Whilst I was in the shower just a moment ago (7:50am) I decided that my writing place this Writing Wednesday shall be Ikea.

ikeaSo, while I’m waiting for my laptop to recharge, and for the store to actually open, I thought I would write a pre-Writing Wednesday post, about why I THINK Ikea may be the perfect place for me today.

Just 24hrs ago I was working here at my desk, trying to focus on actual paid work issues to take my mind off what I have been calling my ‘Cancerian-midcycle-supermoon-isolated-insecure-paranoid’ wobble. It wasn’t until after midday that I logged onto facebook and saw the tragic news that Robin Williams had taken his own life. And, the words DEPRESSION plastered all over my wall.

Coincidentally, I’m currently studying and supporting that depression, PTSD topic and space for work. I am also considering how express my own experiences about it – and keep myself OK ( if you know what I mean).

I touched on that last week, the need to keep myself safe while delving and writing my story. I am single and self employed….. I can’t really afford to take myself off the grid for a long time again. Realistically, I don’t have an adequately robust support network IF I start to not deal well.

This is reality. I have to self monitor and self care.

VALE Robin Williams. There is a very small fence between madness and creative genius. To give and expend of your energy can, and sometimes does lead to places that are dark and seemingly fathomless. Thank you for your gifts.

VALE Robin Williams. There is a very small fence between madness and creative genius. To give and expend of your energy can, and sometimes does lead to places that are dark and seemingly fathomless. Thank you for your gifts. – Sue Liu

So this morning, after observing and reflecting on the tragic loss of one of our most inspired, creative artists, I see that Robin’s act of taking his own life in the midst of seeking help with is condition, is raising awareness of the fact that 1 in 3 of us – go through this. Understandably, this is a very frightening thing for those who feel that people with depression who talk about it are CRAZY, wonder how close to home these symptoms are and don’t know how to (or do not want to) GO there with themselves or to support others.

It’s a difficult space. This topic makes people uneasy, nervous and the resulting alienation can kind of make it WORSE for you as people cut themselves off from you.

My three biggest supporters, are friends who by suffering it, and taking different paths to cope through it, can relate with compassion and patience and without shame or fear.

Many, many, most others, are busy, over it, and just can not. It does leave you in a lonely place. This is my topic for writing today – which leads me to the point of choosing Ikea.

TODAY – on this particular Writing Wednesday – I need to not be isolated and on my own. I need to be among a buzz and vibe. THAT is what is going to keep me safe today.

WHY IKEA is the best place for me today:

  • Free parking – for as long as I want and need;
  • A chair and table by the window over looking the car park – OR a number of comfy living room and office scenarios ALL very stylishly fitted out! I might bounce around the ENTIRE store in 1/2 hr increments today!;
  • Shopping breaks to look for pretty things (that I really don’t need);
  • Coffee (actually a bit crap), food and HORSEBALLS with mash, gravy and lingonberry sauce (the real reason for going…actually);
  • A place to meet a friend for a well timed distraction (come on Alina!);
  • People – who don’t need, want me or care WHAT I’m doing….. but are just there.

 PS: Dear Ikea, Please don’t send someone to hunt me down and kick me out – I’m writing a book. I will have lunch and I’ll probably buy some stuff. Besides, the sign says WELCOME!

Sue x


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