AAW book shower - small

There’s going to be a special gathering in Sydney  on Sunday 21 June in Bondi (1-4pm)  and you are invited!

It’s a unique fundraising event and gathering called Sue’s book shower and Geraldine’s 70th Birthday afternoon tea.

Yes – that’s right – a BOOK SHOWER – for this book!! Since August last year, apart from working, I’ve been in “lockdown” writing the book, working on the publishing project. I’m really thrilled to let you know that my plans to achieve publication  by the end of the year are on track. I will have to commit at least the next 6 months to make it happen, but I will.

I just returned from two life-change weeks in Sri Lanka with Bruno, who I have been mentoring these last 11 years. It was an inspiring trip where he reviewed and signed off on 16 chapters of the book that pertain to our journey together – AND – we are now business partners – (STORY to come….). Bruno’s wife and business partner ( now my business partner too) Sarojini will be (visa permitting) coming out  from Sri Lanka  to join us at the fundraising event.

YES – it’s also a celebration afternoon tea for Geraldine Cox (Sunrise Children’s Villages) who is turning 70 and who is my other guest of honour! It’s going to be an exciting and unique event –  celebration of my work in communities and the people I’ve been supporting and working with/for who are central to my life and my book.

Tickets are: $55 for adults and $25 for under 15 yr olds.

There will be a bit of cooking, raffles and lovely things to buy at Zulu’s  market – with proceeds supporting OBK, my book project, Sri Lanka and Cambodian communities.  I will also be announcing details about the book.

I would LOVE your support – if  you’re free that afternoon – please come along, bringing friends and tell people in your network who may be interested about this unique and very special event! Proceeds from the event will support Sue’s book project, Our Big Kitchen, Sunrise and Sri Lankan community projects.

There are limited spaces and tickets are:  $55 for adults and $25 for under 16yrs. For further information and to book your tickets visit: http://zulucommunications.com.au/event/aaw-fundraiser/


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