Many people have seen heard the name and seen the face of Sue Liu and Zulu at Our Big Kitchen over the last few years in relation to interesting events she has run. Few however would know the story of how Sue came to reconnect with Dr Dovid Rabbi and Laya Slavin and what has driven her to focus so keenly on supporting OBK by raising awareness and bringing people to the kitchen.
Since discovering OBK through a quirky introduction to former GM Greg Fisher (March 2013), Sue has run over a dozen events, bringing hundreds of people from her own network, contributed over $6000 to the kitchen, volunteered and supported on just as many occasions and of course, helped produce countless thousands of meals to feed our vulnerable communities.
WHY? – Why has the work of OBK been so important to Sue for her to focus so much on the kitchen? How did Sue meet Rabbi and Laya Slavin so many years ago, and why is she so doggedly committed to helping communities in Sri Lanka, Cambodia and now in Sydney? It’s a fantastic story – and it is written in the pages of her new book Accidental Aid Worker. This self published book was written with commitment in just 12 months, and Sue has brought it to life. The book was launched with the help of Greg Fisher and Rabbi Slavin – who Sue has claimed as “her” Rabbi.
- With Greg Fisher – Inside Out
Buy books and gifts – and raise money for Our Big Kitchen
Supporters of OBK can help support the endless work of helping community by getting involved in Sue’s innovative fundraising (ad)ventures – and also buying a copy of the book Accidental Aid Worker. Here’s how:
- $5 from each copy of Accidental Aid Worker purchased by OBK supporters will be donated to OBK.
- The donation component from candles, cards and gifts purchased can also go toward OBK if you choose. Select OBK from the list of recipients – which includes The Wayside Chapel, Lou’s Place and Gethsemane Community.
- Books can be collected FROM OBK! You can order books online and pay by credit card or pay cash when you see Sandy to collect from OBK (please check with Sandy by calling first).
Visit the shop here at AAW or see the full range from Candles for Community. Please note – only books can be collected from OBK. All other items – candles, cards and gifts must be posted or collected.
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