This is a story that touches each and every one of us today, with increasing violence in the world and particularly after recent events of violence in Sri Lanka. We are confronted with the realities of how war and violence can tear at the veils holding community together.

A riveting talk that’s most relevant today amid war and displacement

During the hour-long talks, Sue will take people back to the tragedy of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami and experiences in Sri Lanka and with communities of Trincomalee. She will also talk about her 12 years of voluntary aid and community work and what inspired her and how she continued to help people over such a long period of time.

“This talk is very much about how powerful connection and community is in life. It’s about the people who you meet along the way and how I’ve been inspired by them to step outside my own life to help people in need. By sharing my story, I hope to encourage people to look around them and see where and how they can contribute to helping others.”

Sue has connected with many readers and attendees of her talk with her candid, storytelling. Many have been inspired and motivated to start volunteering or helping others after hearing about Sue’s adventures and experiences, considering what they can do to help others in times of need and crisis.

Sue will be presenting 7 author talks all around Sydney in May and June .

  • Thursday 16 May – Rockdale Library  – 6pm
  • Monday 20 May – St Ives Probus Club – 11am
  • Wednesday 22 May – Campsie Library and Knowledge Centre – 6:30pm
  • Thursday 30 May – Blacktown Library –6pm
  • Wednesday 5 June – Merrylands Library – 6pm
  • Tuesday 18 June – Ryde Library – In Focus talk – 6:30pm
  • Thursday 20 June – Sutherland Library – 6:30pm

Find out more at the Speaking Tour page and how to book

Engrossing and emotive talk

Sue Liu kindly accepted an invitation from St Ives Probus Club to talk about her life, and in particular her Aid Work. Club members were enthralled with her emotive talk and saluted her bravery, her energy, and her compassion for people who found themselves in dire and tragic circumstances. Sue illustrated her talk with small excerpts from her book and a powerpoint presentation. Members had many questions for Sue, the hallmark of an engrossing talk.

Di Goodsir - St Ives Probus Club

Engaging the community

We had the pleasure of having author Sue Liu come to our library on Thursday 28 March 2019. Her talk really brought to life everything she has been through from her passion for travel to the decision to volunteer overseas and beyond. Her accounts of assisting her friends in Sri Lanka after the Boxing Day tsunami and also mentoring and supporting people in Cambodia really struck a chord with the audience. She inspired us to think differently about volunteering and I know a couple of people I spoke to are excited about a project they’re embarking on.

Jane Park, Coordinator - Avalon Community Library

Her spirit and positive attitude shines through

Sue’s message is that out of every story of pain and suffering, there is light. Library members and guests were drawn into the events of the traumatic 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami at Sue Liu’s compelling talk. The impact of the tsunami was the turning point that made her think of her moral responsibility as a human being to help others. In her book, Accidental Aid Worker,(reviewed in the February Newsletter), she tells the story of how one person can make a difference. Although it became overwhelming, her spirit and positive attitude shine through.

Jessica Stewart, Jessie Street National Women's Library

The audience loved her story

Sue Liu gave an interesting and inspiring talk about her journey to Sri Lanka and her transition from carefree traveller to aid worker,  the wonderful people she met along the way, and their lasting effect on her life. The audience loved listening to Sue’s story and we hope she continues to tell it whenever possible.

Robin Sharpe, Shoalhaven Libraries Nowra.

An excellent speaker

Sue Liu spoke at Mosman Library in October, 2016, about her book, “Accidental Aid Worker”. She was a most personable and relaxed speaker, who engaged her audience immediately with her warm, friendly manner. I think Sue would be an excellent speaker for any group, whether it be school children, a community group, or a writers’ festival.

Jane Roughley, Mosman Library

Exceptionally interesting talk

As an attendee at the recent talk by Sue Liu at the Tura Marrang Library, I am pleased to provide this testimonial. Sue’s talk was exceptionally interesting, sharing with the audience her initial background in marketing, snippets of her travels to over fifty countries, and her desire to assist her friends in Sri Lanka after the Boxing Day tsunami, which acted as a catalyst for Sue to write a book titled ‘Accidental Aid Worker’. She discussed the therapeutic value of this new direction in her life and captivated all in the audience with anecdotes of her subsequent adventures. I would highly recommend anyone interested in aid work, travel or in fact self-publishing to attend one of her talks.

GJ Maher

An inside view of life and experiences

I attended Sue’s launch of the 3rd reprint edition of Accidental Aid Worker, before a large audience at Sydney Mechanic School of Arts in September 2016. She was extremely courageous as demonstrated in both her book and at her talk, allowing her peers, colleagues, friends and a number of prominent members of society an inside view of her life and experiences. Her story captured the mind and heart of many people, one of these was Professor Dame Marie Bashir. Professor Bashir supported Sue’s efforts as demonstrated in her speech at the launch. She spoke of her admiration of Sue’s courage and bravery or not only by detailing her personal journey on paper, but for the work and commitment she put into her “Aid Work”. She also was extremely impressed with  Sue’s work and contribution internationally as solo Australian female.

Gail Carmody

An inspiration to everyone she meets

What can I say about Sue Liu – what a dynamo! She is an inspiration to everyone she meets. Sue came into Ulladulla Library on Friday 14th October 2016 like a breath of fresh air. Her talk was thoroughly captivating and inspiring. Everyone that attended the session left with a new commitment to helping others. I highly recommend Sue as both an author and motivator. If you have the opportunity, add Sue to your speaker list.

Vikki Hoskins, Shoalhaven Libraries Ulladulla.


It was a pleasure to have Sue speak at Temora Library. The audience of 20+ people were spellbound, and their level of interest in Sue’s talk was evidenced by the number of questions, and continued discussion after the session had formally ended.

Eileen England, Temora Library

Story shared with humour and love

Sue Liu generously brought her life experiences to the people of the Bega Valley Shire and shared them with audiences in Bermagui and Merimbula. Sharing personal experiences, especially those around personal or community crises can be difficult but Sue shares with humour and love knowing that her experiences help others with the twists and turns of their own lives. Sue’s talk adds an extra dimension to her book and is professionally delivered with some amazing photographs of her journeys. Highly recommended!

Scott Baker, Bega Valley Shire Library

Signed copies of Accidental Aid Worker are $35 and available for purchase at the talks, with $5 from each book donated to a charitable project.

Sue heads up to Sydney’s beautiful Northern Beaches for a very special sunset talk at Avalon Community Library. Seats are limited, so book your ticket now at the library by calling 99183013.

You’ll also be able to purchase your signed copy of Accidental Aid Worker, which includes the special bookmark, card and numbered token.

Sue will talk about the events and adventures that featured in her memoir, Accidental Aid Worker at Newtown’s favourite Buddhist Bookstore, Bodhi Books and Gifts.

You’ll journey back in time with Sue to the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami and it’s effects on communities in war torn Sri Lanka. You’ll hear how her giving ways led to over 12 years of volunteering, fundraising and helping people in need in Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Australia. It’s a powerful hour expoloring our humanity, the power of connection and community.

Where: Bodhi Books and Gifts – 375 King Street, Newtown (350m from Newtown Station)
When: Wednesday 20 February 2019
Time: 6:30pm for 7pm

It’s the first author talk for 2019 and an absolute pleasure to be in the Inner West/ Newtown and with Bodhi, who have been so supportive over the years championing Accidental Aid Worker. This is the first talk after hours for a while, so I hope that those who haven’t been able to catch an author talk before, can come along. I hope to see you there!

You’ll be able to purchase books on the evening and have them signed. This is a free talk, no bookings are required.

At the Australia-ChinaFriendship Society Christmas gathering, I’m with Professor The Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO, who is the Patron of ACFS. Prof Bashir’s kind words are on the cover of the 3rd reprint of Accidental Aid Worker!I  also donated a copy of my book for the fundraising auction and the lovely lady next to me bought it. It was signed by both Prof. Bashir and myself as part of the prize!

Author talk for Australia-China Friendship Society NSW

I will be giving an author talk for ACFS on 13 March 2019 in Sydney CBD – Check for details at the Author Talk page

Thank you to Jessie Street National Women’s Library for inviting me to speak at Sydney’s historic Customs House Library.

Jessica Stewart very kindly reviewed the author talk: Sue does not shy away from the hard questions. Accidental Aid Worker is the story of how wanting to help a community became life changing. It is also an exploration of the complexities of aid, both moral and logistical. She asks us to think about how aid might impact local economies and can become mired in corruption. Read the author talk review on page 7 of the National Women’s Library newsletter – May 2018

Book review by Jessie Street National Women’s Library.

Read the full review on page 4 of the National Women’s Library newsletter-February 2018

It’s an honour to be invited to give an author talk to a group of women dedicated to preserving the stories of Australian women.

 Accidental Aid Worker is in the collection of the Jessie Street National Women’s Library and today, I’ll be presenting the Lunch Hour Talk for April at Customs House Library in Sydney. 

To accompany this talk, Jessica Stewart and Barbara Henry wrote this review for the newsletter, which truly captures my story and journey into aid work. You can read the review here .



Read the report of the talk on page 7 of the National Women’s Library newsletter – May 2018


I’m becoming a professional public speaker – for real!

FOR TEAMS IN WORK AND COMMUNITY PLACES: If you have a conference, team meeting or workshop coming up, and you’re seeking a new, fresh, dynamic, funny and captivating speaker to inspire your people – I may be for you!  I can deliver for you in a very meaningful way to your organisation and community via a talk, presentation or workshop.

FOR YOUNG MINDS IN HIGH SCHOOLS: I’ll also be exploring speaking at high schools, because it’s young, growing minds who need to hear about the realities of life as they prepare to venture out. If you’re involved in a high school, this could be an opportunity to really connect and engage young people via a talk/ author talk  in the following areas:

  • Human Society and it’s Environment and Society and Culture (years 11&12) and International Studies (years 9&10).
  • Social Justice, community, fundraising, volunteering and trips to developing countries.
  • PHDP – life choices, deciding what to do in life and careers advice for year 10, 11 or 12
  • Workshop: writing your own story and considering publishing books and works

For high school bookings in particular, I’ve signed up with by signing up with Lateral Learning Speakers’ Agency.

With warmth and bare honesty, Sue Liu delivers an inspiring talk about the power of connection and community, sharing tales of natural disasters, hilarious happenings and personal tragedies from her life, as detailed in her memoir, Accidental Aid Worker.

Sue captivates and engages audiences of all ages in her dynamic, thought-provoking talk, prompting people to consider their choices at life’s crossroads, what their moral responsibility is to help others, and how to get involved with causes and communities. Read the full profile at Lateral Learning. 


Contact me for more information about speaking and workshops for your people. 


This is such an honour!
I’ve been asked to speak at and launch the new Rozelle Street Library!

You can come too! Friday 8 September at Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre.

It’s very special, because the centre is next door to where I used to live – on top of the cafe – where I had my office, collected and ran the first community collection of aid for Sri Lanka. This is when the Accidental Aid Worker story began.

I’ll be donating my book to start the library. Authors – want to join me in donating your book for the collection?

Please contact me for details.

We hope you will join us for a special morning tea to launch our Street Library. We will be celebrating reading matters at Rozelle for Adult Learning Week. The event will include a morning tea with guest author Sue Liu who will offically open our library and talk about her book the Accidental Aid Worker. RSVP for catering purposes:


Leichhardt Library is proud to be hosting an innovative, free one-day workshop for writers who aspire to publish their work and build foundations for being successful authors. Step-by-step Publishing Essentials workshop will be held at Leichhardt Library on Saturday 24 June is part of a joint pilot program between the State Library of NSW, Inner West Library Service & Parramatta City Library, a digital library lending platform, called indyreads™.

This custom-tailored workshop, created by authors and professionals, Sue Liu and Anna Maguire, aims to help writers of all ages to navigate their way through the maze of publishing options and expectations, the need for clarity of purpose and commencement of marketing well before the book is published.

Among the many challenges for aspiring writers is understanding the context, options, steps and realities of releasing work in an ever changing, over-crowded, competitive industry and market place. This workshop is designed to help individuals customise and build the foundations for their author and book brands, as well as learning about the various options and practical steps for producing industry-standard books and getting them to market.

Sue Liu is Marketing consultant, author of Accidental Aid Worker and an Inner West local. Her focus is on creating the foundations for an authentic author profile and brand for book(s) and how to develop and apply these to marketing campaigns.

“Every writer, whether signed by a publishing house or self-published, needs to be active and engaged in the business of creating and promoting their work. Key to this, is the need to be strategic in creating marketing devices (tools) that can be easily adapted and incorporated into campaigns to promote yourself and your books.” said Liu.

“Writers need to also become business-minded and marketing savvy – with an understanding of the options and mechanics of producing works for publication, but also aware of where and how pitch and publicise. Without the right structure around your publishing project at the beginning, it can be tough to connect with the publishing world and of course, readers.” She continued.

Sue is honoured to be presenting this workshop for Inner West Libraries alongside respected publishing consultant and crowdfunding pioneer, Anna Maguire. Maguire will explore paths to publication, fundraising and budgets, producing print and digital books on your own or with professionals, to achieve industry standard outcomes. Both Liu and Maguire will share their experiences and perspectives as authors, self-publishers and professionals.

The workshop is part of the indyreads™ pilot, a new digital lending and distribution platform for public libraries.

“Once indyreads™ is ready for release, we’ll be seeking submissions from our community to build our Inner West Libraries collection” said Marilyn Taylor, Leichardt Library Manager and project champion. “We’re really thrilled to be working with two respected professionals, and know that this may be just the inspiration and guidance people need to finish writing and publishing their books” she continued.

“This is a first workshop of its kind for Leichhardt, we are proud of our involvement in indyreads™ and know that we’ll be receiving the quality and standard of ebooks we require for the collection”




Presented by publishing, marketing professionals and self-published authors Anna Maguire and Sue Liu. This one-day workshop is for writers aspiring to publish their new works as print copy and ebooks. Be guided on the importance of:

  • Being business savvy and marketing aware about publishing;
  • How author profile and book identity are crucial for writers;
  • Building your brand and marketing options;
  • Key elements for producing a book and how it helps with marketing, sales and distribution;
  • Funding options to enable you to create a professional publication.

Date:  Saturday 24 June

Time: 10-4pm

Where: Leichhardt Library

Cost:   Free

Limited numbers. Bookings essential at Eventbrite or phone: 9367 9266


More about indyreads™ 

indyreads™ is a hosted eContent Management Platform that has been developed by the State Library of NSW to provide library users with access to local publications including digitised local history material as well as purchased ebook titles. The platform allows the Inner West libraries to work with community authors and independent and mid-list publishers to explore ways of making locally important content more readily available to readers.

The industry standard platform has enabled the library service to smoothly integrate ebook content into their catalogue and provide a seamless experience for library members. The hope is that indyreads™ will give communities a greater diversity of local content and help connect writers with their audiences.

The State Library is developing plans to make indyreads™ available in more libraries across NSW and to continue their support of programs for self-publishers.


Sue Liu is an energetic community leader, business woman and marketing communications consultant with over 24 years’ experience. She self-published her first book, Accidental Aid Worker, in November 2015 and has been recognised by fellow writers, industry experts and readers for her efforts and achievements, as an author. Sue has also been acknowledged as an emerging voice and one worth listening to in the education sphere. Her approach is from the perspective of the author/self-publisher/business person/marketer.

Sue shares her insights, perspectives and experiences to help each writer clarify expectations, hone goals and create strategies, resources and tools to best suit their journey. For further information about Sue and her work, explore: , ,Facebook, Twitter (@zulu2you) and LinkedIn


Anna Maguire is a Sydney-based consultant and blogger specialising in digital training and strategy. She advises on digital publishing and crowdfunding through her consultancy Digireado.

Anna has worked in book publishing and digital content for 25 years. She is a former head of production and interactive at Random House Australia and is a passionate advocate for digital developments in the book. She is a graduate of the Yale Publishing Course and has appeared at the Sydney Writers’ Festival and Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. Anna has trained authors in their digital publishing options for over eight years.

In September 2012 Anna wrote her first book Crowdfund it!. Anna lectures and coordinates the unit Book Production and the Book Publishing Business unit of stud at Sydney University. Anna blogs (infrequently) on the Digireado website,, and at She is also on Twitter (@digireado and @crowdfunditnow) and Facebook ( and



Presented by publishing, marketing professionals and self-published authors Sue Liu and Anna Maguire. 

This one-day workshop is for writers aspiring to publish their new works as print copy and ebooks.

Be guided on the importance of:

  • Being business savvy and marketing aware about publishing;
  • How author profile and book identity are crucial for writers;
  • Building your brand and marketing options;
  • Key elements for producing a book and how it helps with marketing, sales and distribution;
  • Funding options to enable you to create a professional publication.

Date:  Saturday 24 June

Time: 10-4pm

Where: Leichhardt Library

Cost:   Free

Limited numbers. Bookings essential at Eventbrite or phone: 9367 9266

Supported by Inner West Library Service & State Library of NSW as part of the indyreads™ pilot program.

Find out more – Sue – Self Pub Leichhardt Workshop Media Release – 16 May 2017


PRESENTERS: Sue Liu and Anna Maguire

Sue Liu is an energetic community leader, business woman and marketing communications consultant with over 24 years’ experience. She self-published her first book, Accidental Aid Worker, in November 2015 and has been recognised by fellow writers, industry experts and readers for her efforts and achievements, as an author.  Sue has also been acknowledged as an emerging voice and one worth listening to in the education sphere. Her approach is from the perspective of the author/self-publisher/business person/marketer. Sue shares her insights, perspectives and experiences to help each writer clarify expectations, hone goals and create strategies, resources and tools to best suit their journey.

Accidental Aid Worker has also been praised by Tom Keneally and Hon Professor Dame Marie Bashir, whose comments feature on the cover of the 3rd reprint edition. For further information about Sue and her work, explore: , ,Facebook, Twitter (@zulu2you) and LinkedIn

Anna Maguire is a Sydney-based consultant and blogger specialising in digital training and strategy. She advises on digital publishing and crowdfunding through her consultancy Digireado. Anna has worked in book publishing and digital content for 25 years. She is a former head of production and interactive at Random House Australia and is a passionate advocate for digital developments in the book. She is a graduate of the Yale Publishing Course and has appeared at the Sydney Writers’ Festival and Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. Anna has trained authors in their digital publishing options for over eight years.

In September 2012 Anna wrote her first book Crowdfund it!. Anna lectures and coordinates the unit Book Production and the Book Publishing Business unit of stud at Sydney University.  Anna blogs (infrequently) on the Digireado website,, and at She is also on Twitter (@digireado and @crowdfunditnow) and Facebook ( and


About indyreads™ 

indyreads™ is a hosted eContent Management Platform that has been developed by the State Library of NSW to provide library users with access to local publications including digitised local history material as well as purchased ebook titles. The platform allows the Inner West libraries to work with community authors and independent and mid-list publishers to explore ways of making locally important content more readily available to readers.

The industry standard platform has enabled the library service to smoothly integrate ebook content into their catalogue and provide a seamless experience for library members. The hope is that indyreads™ will give communities a greater diversity of local content and help connect writers with their audiences.

The State Library is developing plans to make indyreads™ available in more libraries across NSW and to continue their support of programs for self-publishers.

Find out more – Sue – Self Pub Leichhardt Workshop Media Release – 16 May 2017

batch_aaw3-book-quotes-squareA few months shy of celebrating the 1st birthday of the release of my book, Accidental Aid Worker, was another occasion to celebrate.

Legendary Australian author, Tom Keneally, and celebrated community advocate and former NSW Governor General, Professor Dame Marie Bashir both provided heartfelt words for me about my precious book. These worlds grace the cover of  the new edition of Accidental Aid Worker, which is now at 3rd reprint.

Professor Bashir kindly launched the edition at an author talk at Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts on 20 September, 2016.  In the company of a community of supporters and  70 keen readers, she spoke about her own experiences in Cambodia, and the power of connection and community, before providing her reflections about my story.


This is the video of the introduction and speech by Professor Bashir.

Part of my brain doesn’t compute that this happened. I’m thankful for the photographic evidence and that their words are immortalised in ink on my new cover. As you can see above, Tom also signed my copy of my book.

With Tom Keneally at SMSA

With Tom Keneally at SMSA

July is ‘the Month of Sue’ – when Sue and Zulu celebrate birthdays.  This year, it included some pretty amazing happenings including: achieving recognition fromTom Keneally, reconnecting with Professor Dame Marie Bashir, attending a wonderful writing workshop in Bali, organising 37 author talks with libraries and communities in NSW (between June and Feb), and Zulu celebrated 15 years in business.

This is the tale of a woman who bravely opens doors and thus has astounding adventures and enlightenments. All in the context of what can only be called an adventure story and an extraordinary life. – Thomas Keneally


I continue to work hard in my ‘pioneering’ ways to make a path for myself as a writer, artist and self publisher, and this newsletter includes some of my wins. Come celebrate with me at one of my author talks and work with me in making stronger connections in publishing and community.

The next edition of Accidental Aid Worker will feature the words of an internationally acclaimed author and an Australian treasure. Reviews from Tom Keneally and Professor Dame Marie Bashir will grace new cover of the book, which will be launched by Professor Dame Marie Bashir at Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts on 20 September – 12:30pm .

September/ October Author talks

  • Saturday 3 September – Author Talk – 2:30pm at Kiama Library 
  • Wednesday 7 September – Author Talk – 11:00am at Paddington Library 
  • Wednesday 14 September – 10am at Balmain Probus
  • Tuesday 20 September – Talk about – 12:30pm at Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts – NEW EDITION OF BOOK LAUNCHED BY PROFESSOR DAME MARIE BASHIR CVO
  • Monday 10 October – Monday Matters  – 10am at Mosman Library
  • Sunday 30 October – 11am at Sunday Assembly-Sydney

NSW South Coast Tour  13 – 19 October – Nowra to Merimbula

  • Thursday 13 October – 1pm at Nowra Library
  • Friday 14 October – 10:30am at Ulladulla Library
  • Saturday 15 October – 10am at Batemans Bay Community Centre
  • Monday 17 October – 10am at Tura Marrang Library – Merimbula
  • Tuesday 18 October – 10am at Bermagui Library 
    – 2:30pm at Narooma Library
  • Wednesday 19 October -1pm at Moryua Library

See a full list of Sue’s Author Talks here