26 March 2013

It’s the morning after the night before – the night that I ‘outed’ myself and showed my “True Character”. The night that I made this venture real and told LOTS of people on facebook and email for LIKES and VOTES. ( If you’re not on facebook – you can vote via here –http://jacobscreek.com/true-character-series) and search for Sue L. I’ve made it to 14th most popular entry overnight – thanks for voting!

Damn the ‘m

So exactly  how much sleep did I lose over that typo – that damn ” ‘m” that was coupled with my “I” and missed my edit? Embarrased? UH-HUH!

But I rationalise that if peeps can’t see through a typo, then they aren’t seeing my “True Character”. Still, that was really BAD, that typo. I need to calm my brain down to be more in synch with my fingers. I need to be  more careful before hitting the ‘publish’ or “submit’  button and also start the process of finding the right person to hold my keyboard and EDIT (with) me.

So how much sleep did I lose or get?

After an intense and sweaty 6:30pm bootcamp session, an hour of emergency trouble shooting fixes for this very blog on my website with my friend Sean in Tokyo ( Thanks Sean) and an hour on the phone with a fellow writer ( that was great Trish, thanks!)  I try to rest my weary  buzzing brain and body. Factor in the humid night, a buzzing invisible mosquito, my feline sauntering in after waking the neighbourhood with a 1am catfight and the anticipation of a 5:50am alarm for morning bootcamp – I got about 2 hours.

I do my killer back-to-back 6:15am bootcamp session and on the walk back home,  see John my Accountant in the car park as he finishes his (macho) training session. We seem to have had more business meetings and discussions in the car park  on a Tuesday morning, drenched in sweat over the last year. That’s SO “inner-west” …… and thanks for VOTING John!

And I’m conscious that I need to start the actual writing process today.

I feel like I’m being pushed along by a tide of serendipity and circumstance. I have great conversations with others further along the path to print than I, and some that have already achieved the GREATNESS of completion and are PUBLISHED.

I’ve consolidated the material I have already inputted,  before I commence for REAL. I have over  10,000 words over roughtly 88/ 210 x 135mm pages of words. I’m probably going to lose a portion of that to editing.

Still – it’s a good start and I can’t procrastinate much longer.I’ll make a start after I make a few calls and grab a coffee……….

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