24. May 2016 · Write a comment · Categories: News

Those of you who have read Accidental Aid Worker from cover-to-cover will know about the close bond I have developed with two young women in Cambodia. I have been financially supporting these two individuals since 2006 and 2007 – paying monthly sponsorship fees, which have been contributing to their education, healthcare and life support for almost a decade.

In addition, the numerous fundraising campaigns that I have created, funded and run – events, fundraisers, collections, referrals and business activities (including Candles for Community) have, over 9 years or so, contributed an estimated $100k to the organisation in donations, countless child sponsorships and all important awareness raising.

Personal support – beyond the dollar

My support over the years has always been beyond the dollar. I developed relationships, provided and received mentoring, friendship, love – always with a view of helping these children and others through a tenuous, rocky childhood and into adulthood.

Our connection has grown beyond the confines of a ‘normal’ sponsor-child relationship, to an authentic, devoted, loving union, where the girls call me mum and I consider them daughters.2015-08-14 11.34.56 I have said from the beginning, when these girls were aged 10 and 11, that I wanted to be able to extend my ‘motherly/sisterly/aunty’ support to these individuals and others, as best as I am able and have been very open and public about my commitment to their wellbeing. I have travelled back and forth to Cambodia annually to spend time with them and their many brothers and sisters, to reinforce the importance of my being in their lives for longer than the term of my donation.

These two women will have challenges beyond the norm and the time is coming very soon for them to take the step of entering into Cambodian society as independent young women. They’ll look to me for guidance and support more than ever in the future, and it’s a responsiblity that I take seriously.

In order to keep up my commitment, regardless of the challenges I face in my own life – I aim to factor into my life, business and community dealings, a way to help these two and others.

$5 from every book I sell personally for the remainder of 2016,  will go toward helping my two girls in Cambodia.

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