Mentoring and support for life and business
Take the next step forward with clarity, direction, control, and confidence.
Practical, professional support and advice when you need it.
Knowing what next steps to take in your career, business, or life, in general, is not easy. Challenges appear at all stages of life and business. At times, life throws punches that can leave you struggling with direction and decision making.
Do you need understanding, fresh perspective, support, and expert advice?
If you’re having difficulty navigating your way through that dizzying haze, Sue can guide and support you through, to achieve clarity and direction, putting you back in confident control. Business Confidante mentoring includes:
- Clarify and define plans and goals
- Review business, structure, HR, operations, and marketing activities and campaigns
- Explore personal challenges and issues
- Assist with identifying opportunities and planning for the future
- Advice on marketing, business, and production
Life support sessions: 2.5 hour package
Via Zoom and phone, 2.5 hours is generally enough for most people.
- 1.5hr discussion – by phone or Zoom
- .5hr follow up via email with references, notes, or suggested to-dos.
- .5hr recap/re-set discussion by phone or Zoom.
Follow-ups sessions are when YOU need them.
Helped me gain objectivity
Sue has helped me step back from the day to day running of my business to objectively access my different markets and how I approach them. She is astute and knowledgeable in her strategy and marketing advice. Working with her has improved my clarity of where I sit in the market and the steps I will take next.
A huge leap of confidence
With Sue’s guidance and faith, I was able to discover my own writing craft and in this young journey of mine, I now have the tools to keep practising – tools I have never seen before. This is a huge leap of confidence for someone who is Deaf with English as a Second Language. Thanks so much, Sue!
Helping me stay true to the dream of starting my business
Sue was fabulous to bounce ideas off and to help me focus on what was important. She used her experience and extensive know-how to help guide me and encourage me to stay true to my dreams and to use my creativity to further my business ideas. She was exactly what I needed when I was feeling overwhelmed and a little lost at the start of this wonderful entrepreneurial business journey.
Brings focus, purpose and confidence to change
Over 4 years ago I was in a very comfortable partnership with 2 friends building up a paramedical health clinic in Sydney's CBD. I had grown too comfortable letting things slide along, not paying attention to escalating costs that for the most part were not incurred by my own sole trader business until it became impossible to ignore.
One of my partners and I had a session together. Sue Liu provided a mentoring and business coaching session that helped me identify what I really wanted for my business. Robust conversation made me face my fears, expectations and clarified my goals. Using dialogue, mind mapping and creative writing we were able to give voice to all the things that were both positive and negative about our relationship. It was fun and informative on neutral ground.
The result was that I was able to take a new direction on my own. With Sue's support, I was able to shift out of a very comfortable rut and make a new groove! I highly recommend regular sessions like this to bring focus and purpose to what you are doing. My friends and I were able to separate personal feelings from business, bringing us to a harmonious dissolution. Very powerful stuff from a very caring mentoring coach.
Clarity leads to action
Thank you for allowing me to achieve clarity in my financial goals and helping me move from feeling stuck to taking action.
Energy and insights have led to change
As a mentor, Sue’s guidance, encouragement and support have been invaluable. She has helped me to clarify long-term aspirations, short-term goals, and ways to deal with the issues that had prevented me from achieving these things. Working with Sue has given me new levels of courage and confidence. I am so grateful to have had the benefit of her wonderful skills, energy and insights as I can say with all sincerity that my life has been changed for the better as a result.
Valuable for getting closer to success
When I started my business I was happily going along using what I like to call "the hummingbird approach". That is, fluttering between enjoyable tasks, following all my bright ideas and ignoring less pleasant tasks for another day. What I desperately needed was a strong rudder to guide my wandering business. Someone to get me to face some facts about my business and confront the hard stuff head-on.
Sue instantly recognised that the little that I had in the way of marketing materials were mismatched and did not communicate the essence of my business to my customers. She mentored me through creating my brand and marketing materials that I could be proud of. Sue knew when to speed me up and when to slow me down. She got me to focus on how my business was perceived in the market place, and how to create the perception I wanted. After doing the hard work with Sue it came to light that my business was not as viable as I thought it was, nor was it really what I wanted in the longer term. I am now working on another business. I can apply what I have learned with Sue on my new venture. The lessons have been learned and the skills are transferable. The experience has all been so valuable and is getting me to closer each day to business success.
Ever stoic and proactive, it is obvious that she just "gets" marketing. If you don't get it, or even if you think you do and are wondering why you are not getting results, I recommend you get Sue onboard to get serious about your business and really take it to the next level.

Support for publishing projects
One of the most important aspects of achieving your goals is having the right blend of information and support while you navigate the complex stages and elements of your project.
Sue will support you through the physical and emotional landscape with practical information and guidance, to help you plan and proceed through your publishing projects.
She brings her wealth of knowledge, creativity and passion to you, fellow writers, aspiring authors and self-publishers to help deliver their distinctive brand and books to the world. Sue provides professional advice and support for:
- Your aspirations, goals and expectations for your book and project;
- Strategic approaches and options for production, marketing and distribution processes;
- Developing your author profile, book brand and marketing plans;
- Connecting with resources and professionals;
- Communications, publicity and social media mentoring.
Publishing support sessions: 1-2 hrs
Convenient weekday, after-hours and weekend appointments available. To find out more about individual mentoring, let Sue know about you and your writing project via the form below.