It was incubating and growing for two and a half years before my story was ready for ink and paper. Now half a year old, what has been happening in life of this new book, Accidental Aid Worker? I had great expectations of my first-born book and whether they’ve been realistic or a flight of fancy, I have held on tight, white knuckled on the rollercoaster – the vertical learning curve, the dips and the climbs through the writing, production, delivery and distribution of this book. Hold on to your hats everyone – here’s the big update.

A relatively easy delivery

The actual delivery date of the book was 13 October, a significant time, being the day after the anniversary of my mother’s passing (yes, that was planned). I spent the two weeks prior to the launch writing personal notes in over 110 books, packaging and posting books to all those who had purchased in my pre-sale campaign. I had promised to do that, and 110 books went out all over Australia, US, Sri Lanka and Europe before the launch.

1 November was a launch day and it threatened to storm and chunder. This is not good for an outdoor event at your home, and thankfully the rain held off until after a beautiful gathering of friends, including Greg Fisher and Dr Rabbi Dovid Slavin, who graciously helped me bring this beautiful book into the world. You can read more about it here and also see photos.


A heart-warming reception from readers

Thank you – to everyone who has not only taken time to read the book, but also to tell me how they feel about my story. My book has been warmly welcomed. I am so thrilled to be connecting with my readers and have my very human story embraced. After sending a copy of the book to Professor Dame Marie Bashir, I received a delightful letter from her. Her comments begin the reader’s comments page, and I am truly  humbled by not only her feedback, but by the kindness shown by many others.

When I receive messages from readers, whether mid-read or at the completion of the journey – we share a particular sense of connectedness.  I am encouraged – no, honoured, that people have taken the time to not only read, but to let me know how they feel and relate to the book and my journey. Please DO keep those comments coming! You can email them to me here.


Getting AAW on the shelves of bookstores and libraries in the new year

After a quick break to dive the waters of Vanuatu between Christmas and New Year, I focused on the task of trying to get Accidental Aid Worker into more bookstores and into catalogues in public libraries. I set myself a goal for Easter to learn about it – and crack that nut. I would also be trying to get some speaking gigs – author talks at either library or bookstores.

Can I start by saying this – it’s NOT EASY – at all!!! It’s daunting. When you don’t know how any of that works and you’re an unknown, untested self-published author of a very  personal memoir – it’s terrifying and intimidating. Long story short – I had been encouraged that two of my local bookstores had taken the book in-store when I launched the book and, on my first day back to ‘work’ mid-January, I nervously and tentatively fronted up to my local library, book-in-hand, to ask how this all worked.  It was taken from my hands immediately with words of ‘yes, we’ll take it’. HOORAY!

This was the beginning of 5 weeks of cold calls and visits to book stores and libraries. With a fair number of knock-backs and non-answers – it was becoming a rather demoralising task. This effort resulted in get Accidental Aid Worker into 8 bookstores and 5 libraries. I had, however, reached a point where I needed to find a distributor. At the end of February, Accidental Aid Worker was accepted with independent distributor Dennis Jones and Associates . I continue to keep pushing on with my own marketing to libraries and bookstores as it does take this kind of collaboration to make it succeed.

This distribution relationship enables all trade distributors to easily order and receive Accidental Aid Worker.  The delightful team from Dennis Jones and Associates are (almost) always happy to answer my questions and work with me, and although it’s only early days, my book is now available at a growing list of bookstores and libraries around Australia – click here to see where AAW is on the shelf.

I am also really loving carving a Sue Liu/ Zulu-style niche in the self publishing and book world.  Because I know no other way – I’m learning, creating new pathways and engaging with industry professionals as I do. This could be a whole new area of focus for me that is very different from the usual business, strategy and marketing work that Zulu Communications is known for. 

Did you know: If you want a copy of Accidental Aid Worker from your bookstore or library – you can ask them to order a copy. PLEASE DO!

 Q: How many sold?

That’s the question on everyone’s lips. How does a self-funded, self supported author throw that answer out into the world without saying this first. Is it all about sales? Well, some of that success equation relates to unit sold – and you also have to consider: time, direct vs. distribution, consignment, production and related costs, profits (what are they), profile, reviews, readership, promotion, e-book distribution and credibility. Don’t forget sanity.

A: My first print run is more or less gone and I now have Edition 2 printed. In short – yes, I have done modestly well in the last 5 months.


Publicity and my NSW speaking tour 

I was  honoured to be interviewed by Kel Richards from 2GB quite soon after the launch. Honoured because he had read the book and the interview was my very first! It was a wonderful first experience in the limelight – and you can listen to it right here!

This is the big one – the author talks, book tour, speaking schedule. It’s all those things. My first public talk was at Woollahra Council – a little teaser if you like as I was invited as a guest speaker for a volunteers’ meeting. Coming up in June – I have my very first – official round of public talks at libraries in NSW. 9 talks in 7 days in fact – click here to see the full schedule which starts at my local library on 2 June – Leichhardt  and travels through NSW Riverina region – ending at Albury… 2-9 June. 

I am certainly interested more speaking, interview and collaboration opportunities and would be happy to discuss your ideas!

To infinity and beyond?

So, what does the future hold for me as a)self employed person b) new author c) self published author d) community worker?

Your guess is as good as mine. I’ll be busy continuing with marketing Accidental Aid Worker, embracing community work and speaking opportunities while I develop my skills and techniques and try to earn a living in business and marketing world too. Somewhere in between – I will continue with writing…the sequel to AAW.



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