I skipped my usual Writing Wednesday post last week because I was eyebrow deep in …. writing! Last week I actually worked on the book and project Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and managed to achieve huge things.

  • I started being introduced to Editors and people who work on that side of business;
  • Set an audacious goal for a launch date for my book – and worked out a full production schedule accordingly;
  • Had discussions with a printer about production; and
  • Finished the drafts of Part 3 – A, B, C and D.

By the end of the week, I was kind of ‘toast’.

SL13042This week – I’m on my writing retreat #2 – and heading up to the Blue Mountains. I’ll be staying at Chateau Jo and sitting on her cats, while she comes to Chateau Le Moet to do the same for me. GOOD DEAL I say!

So, wish me luck this week – as I set out to tackle Parts 4 and 5 and no doubt, will be discovering some great little nooks and cafes along the way.

S x


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