10 months ago… things changed. My (AGONISING) creative/writing block was broken when I picked up a pen and tried drawing instead of trying to make words work. It gave me hope and PURPOSE! Within 9 months, I’ve drawn more than 60 intricate Australian native critter illustrations (see them all here) and made them available via my Redbubble store, for people to wear and enjoy.

During the past 5 months of Covid-19 restrictions, after losing all consultancy work and income, I have worked 6-7 days a week on the concept, business development, business models, an intense 9-week Wild Idea Incubator program, natural history illustration course, brand structure, and development, business mentoring, and coaching, networking, workshop creation, and online delivery, new drawings, product development, website creation…diving and research…

It has been BUSY and exhausting!!! A LOT – even for me.

At the end of it, a renewed purpose:

To foster an enduring fascination for a broader array of Australian animals that will translate to ACTIONS to save vulnerable wildlife and their habitats.

Creativity and Conservation website
wildcard-sue.com.au launches on 15 September.

Wildcard-Sue is all about native Australia, art, conservation and education. We focus on our unique native animals from the land, sea, and sky, and their fragile environments. I’ll also be raising funds and awareness for communities. My focus ongoing will be conservation and the environment.

When you purchase from and support Wildcard-Sue, you support independent artists and 5% of our profits will be donated to Australian conservation projects. This is my way of ‘doing’ through art and creativity and continuing my social responsibility work established over 15-years  through Zulu’s Communications Community work.


You’ll find my original and unique Australian animal illustrations as:

  • Limited Edition Fine Art Prints in A4, A3, and A2
  • Collection posters as prints and Fine Art Prints in A3 and A2
  • Artist Cards
  • Origami Pop-Cards

To be part of the pre-launch specials and launch fun – leave your email on the wildcard-sue.com.au page

Wildcard-Sue is thrilled to announce a partnership with...Australian Wildlife Society

5% of my profits I will be donating to conservation projects. Australian Wildlife Society is my first collaboration partner and recipient for the launch season.

I am so thrilled to have the honour of collaborating with Australia’s oldest and most respected conservation organisation, Australian Wildlife Society, at the begin this new venture.  Australian Wildlife Society (AWS) is a national not-for-profit wildlife conservation organisation founded in 1909.  Their mission – to conserve Australia’s wildlife (flora and fauna) through national environmental education, political lobbying, advocacy, hands-on conservation work, and involvement of the community.

Knowing that funds raised will support the work of AWS gives me confidence and reason to GO HARDER during my launch and Christmas season.  I will be proud to bring much-needed awareness and funds to conservation issues and projects whilst supporting hands-on work and care of our endangered, precious critters, and their fragile habitats.

A personal thank you now to a growing global community of Wildcard-sue art fans who have gone beyond ‘thumbs and hearts’ and have supported my work by buying from my Redbubble site and proudly wearing it. Support during these early days has meant SO MUCH! Particularly, when I’ve been on the verge of shelving my big vision and ideas, thinking that my art or work would be good enough or ‘worthy’, and wondering if all the effort will be enough in the ‘end’.

It already is worth it – in countless ways.  Let’s see where this art-creativity and conservation thing goes!

I hope you’ll have a happy time exploring the new Wildcard-Sue website when it goes live and choosing meaningful gifts that bring joy to those who share our love for Australian native critters – AND support Australian native critters. 

Please also follow and share the love on socials! Facebook and Instagram @wildcardsue #wildcardsue
Here’s our Linktree https://linktr.ee/sueliu


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