Wednesday 6 August

Today is designated writing Wednesday day and it’s the second one I’ve actually achieved in the last 4 weeks (yay).

I thought today that I would start typing some of the entries from the last few years from numerous journals that I have kept, to  touch base with who I have been over the last  3 years. It’s a journey back into some very dark times – my journey through burn out and depression.

Stumbling down memory lane

I have to say – it’s interesting to read those intimate thoughts through my most anxious times. Honestly – its full of things that I don’t know if it’s safe or relevant to bare to all. HOWEVER – it’s giving me an insight into my former self – the former self who was (and still is) dealing with grief, guilt, fear and trauma.

My challenge is – to reflect on that time and not allow myself to get sucked back into a depressive vortex, and know – that I HAVE changed – and that person isn’t me today. And, this is the challenge largely for this book and any writing that I do that is going to explore aspects of my very complex (and adventurous) life. How do I keep myself safe in the process?

Is this of interest or relevance to you or potential readers? Well it will come into play in this memoir, and also lead on to other books I have planned.

My story is a BIG ONE and I feel very passionately about talking about issues like burnout, midlife crisis and transformation, loss, grief, depression and isolation.

This is me – introducing you to that dimension of my story.

intense painting (640x480)

AND – I do this intense writing thing right now at my desk, with a Korean man painting my balcony…… you have to laugh!

Sue x




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