Forgive me people, for I have …………. seemingly dropped off the face of the planet (except on facebook) with regard to Accidental aid worker.
Last post – was early October after I finished some very intense writing days up in the Blue Mountains on Writing Retreat No. 2 ( at Jo’s – with kitties). I was a very momentous time-out, having to travel back in time to revisit places I haven’t been to in my mind and my soul for a very long time. And it kinda burned me out a bit. I worked out that in just under two months, I wrote 43,000 (decent) words in about 18/30 chapters, AND found my Editor.
Swings and roundabouts really……………..
I’ve tried to do Writing Wednesday, but sometimes it was Monday (in rainy Melbourne) and some weeks I had to shift it to Friday, Saturday and Sunday (like this week) and other weeks I didn’t do it at all! I didn’t intend to take a month ‘off’ writing, but having said that it wasn’t a idle month, nor was it unproductive. It was just not a month of not progressing with the writing of this book.
But I:
- Cemented my agreement with my Editor (I’m excited to say those words) Shelley Kenigsburg – who is now massaging my draft words for you to read.
- Spent some QT (quality time) with some really important gal pals of mine, including Tracey Shelton who was home for a visit (Melbourne) from the front line in Syria. As a multimedia journalist and someone who is documenting people’s stories in the current conflict in Iraq, it was so wonderful to talk story and share views on how to ‘bring our stories to life’. For her, in news- for me, in memoir.
- Worked for clients (money earning) has been full-on and I’ve been delivering, delivering, delivering campaigns a plenty on that front.
- Decided to give my fundraising campaign Candles for Community another run this Christmas, which meant almost a complete redevelopment of my range, photography, online store, new brochure etc. That took a good 3 weeks of energy and focus.
I am also finalising my plan and bookings for the big writing retreat- when I return to Sri Lanka at the end of January for a few weeks. I’ll be taking train rides all over the country and spending time with Bruno doing final research, verification and try to complete the writing phases of this project.
So, for the next few weeks and particularly over Christmas and New Year, I’ll be hunkering down, trying to keep on top of all of these things AND write more – before leaving for Sri Lanka.
YES – I agree, it’s all a bit full-on. But there is NO turning back now…………… this book is happening.
Til next time……
Sue x
About Candles for Community – support Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and this book project!
You can order online for Christmas by the way – please do! I make all the candles myself, to order to raise money that will go to Sri Lanka, Sunrise Children’s Villages in Cambodia and help fund this book.
If your business has yet to organise their Christmas gifts, this is a great solution for you! Your gifts will keep on giving, with between $2 and $ 6.50 per item donated to a community or project.
You can download the flyer here – Candles for Community 2014 -2015
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