10 months ago… things changed. My (AGONISING) creative/writing block was broken when I picked up a pen and tried drawing instead of trying to make words work. It gave me hope and PURPOSE! Within 9 months, I’ve drawn more than 60 intricate Australian native critter illustrations (see them all here) and made them available via my Redbubble store, for people to wear and enjoy.

During the past 5 months of Covid-19 restrictions, after losing all consultancy work and income, I have worked 6-7 days a week on the concept, business development, business models, an intense 9-week Wild Idea Incubator program, natural history illustration course, brand structure, and development, business mentoring, and coaching, networking, workshop creation, and online delivery, new drawings, product development, website creation…diving and research…

It has been BUSY and exhausting!!! A LOT – even for me.

At the end of it, a renewed purpose:

To foster an enduring fascination for a broader array of Australian animals that will translate to ACTIONS to save vulnerable wildlife and their habitats.

Creativity and Conservation website
wildcard-sue.com.au launches on 15 September.

Wildcard-Sue is all about native Australia, art, conservation and education. We focus on our unique native animals from the land, sea, and sky, and their fragile environments. I’ll also be raising funds and awareness for communities. My focus ongoing will be conservation and the environment.

When you purchase from and support Wildcard-Sue, you support independent artists and 5% of our profits will be donated to Australian conservation projects. This is my way of ‘doing’ through art and creativity and continuing my social responsibility work established over 15-years  through Zulu’s Communications Community work.


You’ll find my original and unique Australian animal illustrations as:

  • Limited Edition Fine Art Prints in A4, A3, and A2
  • Collection posters as prints and Fine Art Prints in A3 and A2
  • Artist Cards
  • Origami Pop-Cards

To be part of the pre-launch specials and launch fun – leave your email on the wildcard-sue.com.au page

Wildcard-Sue is thrilled to announce a partnership with...Australian Wildlife Society

5% of my profits I will be donating to conservation projects. Australian Wildlife Society is my first collaboration partner and recipient for the launch season.

I am so thrilled to have the honour of collaborating with Australia’s oldest and most respected conservation organisation, Australian Wildlife Society, at the begin this new venture.  Australian Wildlife Society (AWS) is a national not-for-profit wildlife conservation organisation founded in 1909.  Their mission – to conserve Australia’s wildlife (flora and fauna) through national environmental education, political lobbying, advocacy, hands-on conservation work, and involvement of the community.

Knowing that funds raised will support the work of AWS gives me confidence and reason to GO HARDER during my launch and Christmas season.  I will be proud to bring much-needed awareness and funds to conservation issues and projects whilst supporting hands-on work and care of our endangered, precious critters, and their fragile habitats.

A personal thank you now to a growing global community of Wildcard-sue art fans who have gone beyond ‘thumbs and hearts’ and have supported my work by buying from my Redbubble site and proudly wearing it. Support during these early days has meant SO MUCH! Particularly, when I’ve been on the verge of shelving my big vision and ideas, thinking that my art or work would be good enough or ‘worthy’, and wondering if all the effort will be enough in the ‘end’.

It already is worth it – in countless ways.  Let’s see where this art-creativity and conservation thing goes!

I hope you’ll have a happy time exploring the new Wildcard-Sue website when it goes live and choosing meaningful gifts that bring joy to those who share our love for Australian native critters – AND support Australian native critters. 

Please also follow and share the love on socials! Facebook and Instagram @wildcardsue #wildcardsue
Here’s our Linktree https://linktr.ee/sueliu


05. May 2019 · Write a comment · Categories: News

ICYMI – The April-May newsletter – Sri Lanka Sadness, Author talks, Annabel Crabb and Sausage Rolls
Awkward short-arm, weird smiling, head-lock selfie

What’s the link is between me, Accidental Aid Worker, Thai Chicken Sausage Rolls and celebrated political journalist, commentator and television host, cook, writer and hilarious podcaster, Annabel Crabb? It’s not obvious? It’s a tenuous link and that’s why it’s a classic, quirky Sue Liustory. 

When my friend and fellow author, Carly Findlay (see Say Hello story), told me that Annabel had agreed to help launch her book in Sydney, I was thrilled for her. Coincidently, I had been recently binge-listening the Chat 10 Looks 3 podcast (Annabel Crabb/Leigh Sales) and paying more attention to Annabel’s food posts on Instagram. A week prior to Carly’s event, Annabel had posted a photo of the sausage rolls she had made for her kids.

Over the Christmas/New Year, I had been through an intensive period of binge-baking batches of my delicious Thai Chicken Sausage Rolls for parties and I thought I’d gift Annabel the recipe. Sue’s (Famous) Thai Chicken Sausage Roll (TCSR) recipe had been shared on my Facebook and Instagram already and I figured that Annabel’s kids should share in the joy!

I was wasn’t committed to giving Annabel the recipe. I had printed out a copy just in case the opportunity presented itself in a natural way. In other words, I wasn’t about to go rushing up, waving a piece of paper in her face.

As I made my way through to the other side of Carly’s book signing queue, I ended up standing right next to Annabel. Reaching into my bag – I offered up a gift of my precious TCSR recipe. We had a chat about them and the fact that her kids would love them and she, a vegetarian, would not. I plucked up more courage and mentioned that I was also an author and asked if I could introduce her to my book. When she said she would like to see it, the copy I had in my handbag came out (like a Girl Scout – I came prepared).

This is how Annabel Crabb came to have her very own sign copy (with gifts) and my sausage roll recipe.

My hope is that firstly, my TCSR reach the mouths of her ‘babes and that they love them and, when the time is right, that Accidental Aid Worker may rise off ‘the bedside table stack’ and make it to Annabel’s eyes and brain, and that she many like it.

PS: I have no explanation why my face is so big in that photo. Doesn’t even look like me…

BONUS CONTENT: Sue’s (amazing) Thai Chicken Sausage Rolls recipe

You’re welcome

  • 1kg chicken mince
  • 3 tablespoons Thai red curry paste
  • 3 big garlic cloves-minced
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
  • Pepper and salt
  • A generous fist full of mixed chopped herbs – parsley, Vietnamese mint, shallots or Thai basil. 
  • 1 packet of frozen puff pastry
  • 2 eggs – beaten
  • More sesame seeds to sprinkle on top 


  1. Mix all the ingredients up in a bowl.
  2. Cut a sheet of puff pastry in half. Lay the mixture down the middle of the strip and fold over the excess and seal with a bit of the egg mix.
  3. Cut the sausage rolls to your desired size. For parties, I cut each length into 5 bite-sized rolls.
  4. Lay the rolls on to a baking tray lined with baking paper. Brush with the egg wash, and sprinkle more sesame seeds over the top, if you like.
  5. Bake in an oven until the tops and bottoms are brown (20 min at 180 deg)
  6. Serve hot or cold with sweet chilli or tomato sauce.

Can also be frozen in their raw state and baked from frozen.


Congratulations to Carly on Say Hello.

Say Hello is a book written by Carly Findlay and its an education.

I’ve taken an awfully long time to put words to page for Carly about her book. The promises I made for words and reflections after speedily reading (in early February) we’re not delivered by me in a timely way, and that’s not like me.

Why? I’ve been procrastinating, hmmm, maybe, more mulling over how to express words that won’t belittle, be taken out of context, diminish, demean, be offensive or superficial. I don’t know how and what to say, as being introduced to Carly’s perspective and world, is tricky territory. I want to get it right, but chances are…

It’s a risk – but I want to bring words to and for Carly that’s a true representation of her worth and work. For, Carly Findlay has worked HARD and toiled long, and introduced me to the term ‘emotional labour’ (gosh, that’s so true – thank you) and invested over a decade of work and her lifetime of ‘being’ – to be seen and heard in this form, and I get that.

This is a difficult task and I will now attempt it, in my way.

Carly, IOU these promised thoughts into words, but before I do…

Carly and I met about 18 months before the publications of her memoir and first book. At the time, she had recently quit her job and was juggling around being completely self-employed whilst writing what she thought would be the final chapter of her manuscript. I had been down this road myself fairly recently, so kinda knew where she may have been at with some things, and what may lie ahead.

Carly had put it out on social media that she was keen to meet up with other writers whilst in Sydney on one of her rare free-afternoons – to do ‘writery things’.  We met in a leafy courtyard café in my home town of Glebe with 5 other women writers who were part of a writing Facebook group. It’s after this first face-to-face meeting that I started to pay more attention to Carly and her work.

I had a low-level of awareness of Carly back then. I certainly recognised her from her appearances on TV and had seen posts and media around her disability activism, but I wasn’t close to her work. We were and still are, from different orbits, circling around each other’s universes and linked by writing and Facebook, and writing groups on Facebook.

On Facebook, we support each other where we can. I slip in out of connection or participation into observation-mode at times, and watch her sometimes epic posts go off the charts, in good ways and sometimes, terrifying ways.  Bold, brash, colourful, courageous, fierce, fragile, funny. This is how I get to know Carly over these short, intense years. Like many others, I’m consuming her educating, explaining, defending, calling out, dressing up, eating well, suffering, dealing with and living out loud in the public space.

We’ve met up a few more times since that first time – for coffee when I’ve been in her home town of Melbourne and for dinner on a fleeting trip to Sydney. We’ve also batted about and chatted on Facebook and email –  raised thumbs, angry faces or heart of support where appropriate.

It has all been building up over the year and half to the launch of her book, Say Hello. I’ve been doing fist pumps for Carly from my screens, watching her do absolutely everything, and doing it right, and doing it 10 times more than anyone. In short – Carly deserves every success and more, for the work, energy, pioneering, dealing with trolls, handling media and generally being a star as a writer, author and a joyous human being.

She’s one of the hardest working people I know. I am officially, a Carly fan-girl.

It’s now time to talk about her actual book, Say Hello.

I was freakin’ excited about her Sydney launch (Feb 6, 2019) because when we met up for dinner in Sydney, she let me know that another superstar of the world was helping her launch (Annabel Crabb). I grabbed my ticket as soon as they were released and a week before the big occasion, grabbed myself a copy. I started reading in the afternoon, read as long as I could through the night and finished it in the early AMs.

Yes. That good.

I emerged from Carly’s world, firstly, enormously proud of my friend and shell shocked and ashamed of myself. As an able-bodied person who thought that I was open, aware and sensitive to the needs of people around me, I now understand better, how I am guilty of unconscious bias, behaviours and assumptions about people (and families) who manage and live with disability. I understand a little better, but not completely, how marginalising and diminishing our able society is and how the fight for justice is left to a few.

I’m now pointing at Carly and say directly to her: I still don’t have the words to truly express to you how enormously significant and important your life and work is to the world. I know that the wave of praise you’re receiving, all put together, shows you the scale of impact you and your efforts have. In all the ways people respond to your work – the lovers and the (jealous) haters, this is proof that you’re a substantial, powerful force in the world.  I couldn’t tell you to your face, Carly, I would cry too much and too hard. I’d probably just end up saying, ‘I rate you’ or ‘you’re tops’– but you know I think that of you already. 

Say Hello is an education, a romp, a journey. Carly is candid and honest about navigating some of the hardest edges of our society and her own, very personal challenges. She joyously bring to us her family, friendships, relationships, experiences growing up and becoming a woman with a visible difference and disability. Carly brings to light with rawness, the truth and realities that many people living with disability (and their families and supporters) experience every day. She’s candid (in good ways and shocking ways), blunt, unapologetically graphic, sometimes too understanding of other people’s stupidity, and very generous with her time and energy ( emotional labour).

If you want to know how it feels to be in Carly’s skin and in her brain (trust me, you do), grab yourself a copy of her hilarious, tender, sad and sassily written book.  It’s gritty, bitty, sticky, interesting, hilarious, mortifying and enlightening.

Carly is by no means an overnight sensation – she has work solidly, building a body of work and experience for well over a decade. As a fellow author and someone who strives for understanding and recognition, I COULD be jealous of all the success and attention. But, I’m not. Carly has done ‘the work’ and earned this recognition and truly deserves the success that comes from divulging the inner most parts of herself in public. I, of all people, know how this feels, and it is not a comfortable space. That’s why I take my hat off to Carly and appreciate what it means to have achieved, Say Hello. It’s a work to celebrate.

Find out more at https://carlyfindlay.com.au/sayhello/

See, Carly, it was easier to write it and I hope it was worth waiting for.

Sue x

It is with much sadness that I have to tell you of the sudden passing of Rev Fr Jeevandas Fernando OMI.

I received news of his passing from Bruno and Sarojani via Messenger just before Easter. They had learned themselves via social media, that our dear friend had died, thankfully peacefully, from a heart attack. He was in his late 50’s.

Our dear, joyous, warm and special friend has died. I have seen photos of his funeral, sent before the social media black-out in Sri Lanka since the tragic terrorist events of Easter Sunday. I am thankful we had the opportunity to speak and to receive those pictures. Without them, I would still be in disbelief and struggle to accept that he has died. We often think that larger than life people will live forever. Well, I certainly didn’t consider that we would lose him, so young, so soon.

Over the 10 years that I knew and was in contact with him, Fr Jeevanadas was a man of peace and integrity who had a gift for bringing disparate people together. During wartime, through natural disaster and eventually, an uneasy peace-time, he brought all religions together, peacefully at his school, St Joseph’s College, in his communities, in his church and at the house at the edge of town.

His residence on Love Lane was where orphan children, desperate people, of all beliefs converged and were welcome and safe. Sangamam – coming together. Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Catholic, Sinhala, Tamil – and an odd Australian woman called “ZU” who was ‘freelance’ and did her best to sing or speak to a crowd, when asked (not), and who tried to help a community through some very tough years of trauma.

My comfort is – he loved his life, he was devoted to his God and community, loved everyone, was generous, kind, hilarious and bursting with compassion. Wherever he has gone (heaven, he hopes) he is laughing and making jokes. He was such a ‘good sport’ and I know many of you will appreciate him through the stories in my book.

Fr Jeevanadas was very proud of our work and OUR book. Please do him the honour of reading some of his chapters, ensuring that he will not be forgotten easily in the wider world.

I know I speak for Bruno and Sarojani when I say this. I thank everyone – readers of our book and our friends, who have reached out to us with messages of concern and support. Fr Jeevanadas’ passing is significant and a loss for the communities he served in the northern regions of Trincomalee and Jaffna, Sri Lanka. He was a friend and lifeline for many.

My comfort is – my friend is at rest and it is a comfort, that he will not despair or be in anguish about what will be facing his country and people in the coming days and months as conflict resumes in Sri Lanka.

In honour of Fr Jeevanadas, I will continue to tell stories about him in my author talk ( I have 7 of them in May and June) and I know this is going to be raw and difficult. If I cry, I cry. I can’t imagine giving those talks without him in it. It’s already a painful notion, just typing these words, let alone speaking of him in public.

He lives on. Rest in peace, my dear friend.

This is a story that touches each and every one of us today, with increasing violence in the world and particularly after recent events of violence in Sri Lanka. We are confronted with the realities of how war and violence can tear at the veils holding community together.

A riveting talk that’s most relevant today amid war and displacement

During the hour-long talks, Sue will take people back to the tragedy of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami and experiences in Sri Lanka and with communities of Trincomalee. She will also talk about her 12 years of voluntary aid and community work and what inspired her and how she continued to help people over such a long period of time.

“This talk is very much about how powerful connection and community is in life. It’s about the people who you meet along the way and how I’ve been inspired by them to step outside my own life to help people in need. By sharing my story, I hope to encourage people to look around them and see where and how they can contribute to helping others.”

Sue has connected with many readers and attendees of her talk with her candid, storytelling. Many have been inspired and motivated to start volunteering or helping others after hearing about Sue’s adventures and experiences, considering what they can do to help others in times of need and crisis.

Sue will be presenting 7 author talks all around Sydney in May and June .

  • Thursday 16 May – Rockdale Library  – 6pm
  • Monday 20 May – St Ives Probus Club – 11am
  • Wednesday 22 May – Campsie Library and Knowledge Centre – 6:30pm
  • Thursday 30 May – Blacktown Library –6pm
  • Wednesday 5 June – Merrylands Library – 6pm
  • Tuesday 18 June – Ryde Library – In Focus talk – 6:30pm
  • Thursday 20 June – Sutherland Library – 6:30pm

Find out more at the Speaking Tour page and how to book

Engrossing and emotive talk

Sue Liu kindly accepted an invitation from St Ives Probus Club to talk about her life, and in particular her Aid Work. Club members were enthralled with her emotive talk and saluted her bravery, her energy, and her compassion for people who found themselves in dire and tragic circumstances. Sue illustrated her talk with small excerpts from her book and a powerpoint presentation. Members had many questions for Sue, the hallmark of an engrossing talk.

Di Goodsir - St Ives Probus Club

Engaging the community

We had the pleasure of having author Sue Liu come to our library on Thursday 28 March 2019. Her talk really brought to life everything she has been through from her passion for travel to the decision to volunteer overseas and beyond. Her accounts of assisting her friends in Sri Lanka after the Boxing Day tsunami and also mentoring and supporting people in Cambodia really struck a chord with the audience. She inspired us to think differently about volunteering and I know a couple of people I spoke to are excited about a project they’re embarking on.

Jane Park, Coordinator - Avalon Community Library

Her spirit and positive attitude shines through

Sue’s message is that out of every story of pain and suffering, there is light. Library members and guests were drawn into the events of the traumatic 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami at Sue Liu’s compelling talk. The impact of the tsunami was the turning point that made her think of her moral responsibility as a human being to help others. In her book, Accidental Aid Worker,(reviewed in the February Newsletter), she tells the story of how one person can make a difference. Although it became overwhelming, her spirit and positive attitude shine through.

Jessica Stewart, Jessie Street National Women's Library

The audience loved her story

Sue Liu gave an interesting and inspiring talk about her journey to Sri Lanka and her transition from carefree traveller to aid worker,  the wonderful people she met along the way, and their lasting effect on her life. The audience loved listening to Sue’s story and we hope she continues to tell it whenever possible.

Robin Sharpe, Shoalhaven Libraries Nowra.

An excellent speaker

Sue Liu spoke at Mosman Library in October, 2016, about her book, “Accidental Aid Worker”. She was a most personable and relaxed speaker, who engaged her audience immediately with her warm, friendly manner. I think Sue would be an excellent speaker for any group, whether it be school children, a community group, or a writers’ festival.

Jane Roughley, Mosman Library

Exceptionally interesting talk

As an attendee at the recent talk by Sue Liu at the Tura Marrang Library, I am pleased to provide this testimonial. Sue’s talk was exceptionally interesting, sharing with the audience her initial background in marketing, snippets of her travels to over fifty countries, and her desire to assist her friends in Sri Lanka after the Boxing Day tsunami, which acted as a catalyst for Sue to write a book titled ‘Accidental Aid Worker’. She discussed the therapeutic value of this new direction in her life and captivated all in the audience with anecdotes of her subsequent adventures. I would highly recommend anyone interested in aid work, travel or in fact self-publishing to attend one of her talks.

GJ Maher

An inside view of life and experiences

I attended Sue’s launch of the 3rd reprint edition of Accidental Aid Worker, before a large audience at Sydney Mechanic School of Arts in September 2016. She was extremely courageous as demonstrated in both her book and at her talk, allowing her peers, colleagues, friends and a number of prominent members of society an inside view of her life and experiences. Her story captured the mind and heart of many people, one of these was Professor Dame Marie Bashir. Professor Bashir supported Sue’s efforts as demonstrated in her speech at the launch. She spoke of her admiration of Sue’s courage and bravery or not only by detailing her personal journey on paper, but for the work and commitment she put into her “Aid Work”. She also was extremely impressed with  Sue’s work and contribution internationally as solo Australian female.

Gail Carmody

An inspiration to everyone she meets

What can I say about Sue Liu – what a dynamo! She is an inspiration to everyone she meets. Sue came into Ulladulla Library on Friday 14th October 2016 like a breath of fresh air. Her talk was thoroughly captivating and inspiring. Everyone that attended the session left with a new commitment to helping others. I highly recommend Sue as both an author and motivator. If you have the opportunity, add Sue to your speaker list.

Vikki Hoskins, Shoalhaven Libraries Ulladulla.


It was a pleasure to have Sue speak at Temora Library. The audience of 20+ people were spellbound, and their level of interest in Sue’s talk was evidenced by the number of questions, and continued discussion after the session had formally ended.

Eileen England, Temora Library

Story shared with humour and love

Sue Liu generously brought her life experiences to the people of the Bega Valley Shire and shared them with audiences in Bermagui and Merimbula. Sharing personal experiences, especially those around personal or community crises can be difficult but Sue shares with humour and love knowing that her experiences help others with the twists and turns of their own lives. Sue’s talk adds an extra dimension to her book and is professionally delivered with some amazing photographs of her journeys. Highly recommended!

Scott Baker, Bega Valley Shire Library

Signed copies of Accidental Aid Worker are $35 and available for purchase at the talks, with $5 from each book donated to a charitable project.

Over the years, I’ve kept up with my newsletter, Zulu to YOU with fair frequency. It’s a way that I’ve taken stock of work, progress and success over the years. Here’s how you can dip into my journey as a new writer, author and self-publisher. Here’s the archive of Zulu to YOU!

Keep up with the news, subscribe today!

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Sue heads up to Sydney’s beautiful Northern Beaches for a very special sunset talk at Avalon Community Library. Seats are limited, so book your ticket now at the library by calling 99183013.

You’ll also be able to purchase your signed copy of Accidental Aid Worker, which includes the special bookmark, card and numbered token.

Sue will talk about the events and adventures that featured in her memoir, Accidental Aid Worker at Newtown’s favourite Buddhist Bookstore, Bodhi Books and Gifts.

You’ll journey back in time with Sue to the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami and it’s effects on communities in war torn Sri Lanka. You’ll hear how her giving ways led to over 12 years of volunteering, fundraising and helping people in need in Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Australia. It’s a powerful hour expoloring our humanity, the power of connection and community.

Where: Bodhi Books and Gifts – 375 King Street, Newtown (350m from Newtown Station)
When: Wednesday 20 February 2019
Time: 6:30pm for 7pm

It’s the first author talk for 2019 and an absolute pleasure to be in the Inner West/ Newtown and with Bodhi, who have been so supportive over the years championing Accidental Aid Worker. This is the first talk after hours for a while, so I hope that those who haven’t been able to catch an author talk before, can come along. I hope to see you there!

You’ll be able to purchase books on the evening and have them signed. This is a free talk, no bookings are required.

I’ve decided to add two more jars to our 100% soy candle range. Welcome Baby and Large joining our classic small jar.

How elegant – either together or alone!

Our range of candles are:

– Glass Jar with lid (15hr burn time) $12 each
Glass Jar with lid (22hr burn time) $15 each
– Glass Jar with lid (50hr burn time) – large $30 each
– Tea lights (6hr burn time) 20 for $25
Silver Tins (22hr burn time) $15 each

Order your delicious candles – in Mozzie busting Citronella, lemongrass, vanilla, rose, yuzu or unscented.

At the Australia-ChinaFriendship Society Christmas gathering, I’m with Professor The Honourable Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO, who is the Patron of ACFS. Prof Bashir’s kind words are on the cover of the 3rd reprint of Accidental Aid Worker!I  also donated a copy of my book for the fundraising auction and the lovely lady next to me bought it. It was signed by both Prof. Bashir and myself as part of the prize!

Author talk for Australia-China Friendship Society NSW

I will be giving an author talk for ACFS on 13 March 2019 in Sydney CBD – Check for details at the Author Talk page

Sue Liu’s book, Accidental Aid Worker is a compelling read and fun, too. The opening, travel-oriented chapter in particular is a ripper — personal, fast-moving and revealing, plus there’s romance and a villain, and then redemption. Sue captures ‘moments’ beautifully and the turning points in any episode, and does so in crisp prose that’s devoid of artifice or self-aggrandisement. As her narrative progresses into the book’s sustaining topic, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, she is revealed as an absolute demon for responsibility and involvement, and for getting results. It’s a lengthy tale, set mostly in Sri Lanka and partly in Australia, of tenacity and touching humanity. Her achievements both in “spontaneous” aid work and in later penning this well-crafted tale are formidable. – John Borthwick – Travel author

John Borthwick, is a fellow adventurer and, among many other accolades, Australian Society of Travel Writers’ 2016 Travel Writer of the Year. It was a serendipitous meeting of travel and writer minds at the launch of John Maddocks’ book, Against the Odds, last week in Newtown. John very kindly purchased Accidental Aid Worker and after reading, furnished me with this lovely review.

High praise! I’m thrilled!

I’m also in good company with this tribe of travel writers. I also met the vibrant and hilarious Glenn A Baker!

Escape to Sri Lanka, Japan, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea and on a rollicking journey through and extraordinary life!  Grab your holiday reading directly from me. Signed copies of Accidental Aid Worker include some sweet gifts for Christmas! 

VISIT THE SHOP here –  Edition 1 now on sale! 
For bookstore, distribution and online ways to buy – click here

After receiving the huge news about being accepted into the writing residency at Hedgebrook in October, flights are booked, arrangements have been made and now, this…

I have revisited the work that has been ‘plonked on page’ since mid-2015, revised the plot and plan, printed off pages and am ready to start work – seriously. Vows have been renewed. This book wants to come into being.

Writing begins for Accidentally, with Purposethe next steps of Accidental Aid Worker.

I will not make the ‘mistake’ of announcing a due date for this new ‘baby’. One step at a time. Writing has commenced.

I have amazing news. In October, I will be spending a week on Whidbey Island – just outside Seattle, Washington, for a week-long Master Class workshop and residency at prestigious Hedgebrook.

Hedgebrook’s strapline is women authoring change. Their mission is to support women writers from all over the world to develop their voices and works, to  raise awareness in a vast range of issues.

Hedgebrook is THE place for me! My goal is to make headway on my next book, Accidentally, with Purpose – the sequel and next step from Accidental Aid Worker.

I submitted applications for a place in both the 2019 residency program and a Master Class residency workshop. Over 1800 applications are received each year for a coveted 40 places in the residency program (successful applicants are advised in December – I’ll let you know if I get in), and places in the week-long Master Class workshops are also hotly contested.

When the email congratulating me for my place in Hope Edelman’s Master Class arrived in my inbox, my excitement leaped off the email and straight onto Facebook. I think I said “Oh my GOD” out loud and all over my (Facebook) wall whilst jumping around the living room, for about three hours.

Being awarded a place at Hedgebrook is a real achievement and an opportunity I will make the most of. I will be joining six other women from around the world for a week on magical Whidbey Island to do exactly what I had wished for – take time out to invest, focus, write and develop Accidentally, with Purpose. 

Working with Hope

One of the reasons why this workshop with Hope Edelman is an important next step for me is that I will be learning how to approach and write stories that are deeply personal. Hope wrote Motherless Daughters, a book that saved my life by helping me relate to and come to terms with my grief and experiences resulting from my mother’s death. Hope’s work was a guide for me in expressing some of those raw and conflicted emotions around loss, in Accidental Aid Worker.  To have the opportunity to thank Hope for her work personally, is one thing. To work with her and learn how to become a more effective writer – quite another!

I am SO excited. Wish me and Accidentally, with Purpose, luck.

I am delighted to announce that Windhorse Books is the new distributor for Accidental Aid Worker.

Windhorse Books is a specialty, not-for profit, Australian business that has a focus on making available, quality books on Buddhism and meditation. As a business that has operated since 1994 distributing books to  bookshops, Buddhist groups and individuals, Windhorse Books aims to engage in ethical, non-exploitative and spiritually beneficial business.

For trade and distribution enquiries – please contact  Windhorse Books  or phone (02) 9519 8826

I am very proud to be represented by Windhorse books and Bodhi Books and gifts, sharing the shelf with a select collection of authors, whose stories, values and qualities align with mine.

I’m excited about the potential to connect with readers who seek real stories about exploration, social change and personal transformation.


EXCLUSIVE to Bodhi – AAW and special blessed bookmark

Windhorse also operate retail store Bodhi Books and Gifts in Newtown, Sydney. Bodhi continues to be enthusiastic about having Accidental Aid Worker in store and online.

Bodhi are the only retail bookstore to have copies of the special 3rd reprint cover AND a free gift – the special, limited edition bookmark with string that was blessed in The Temple of the Mother in Haputale, Sri Lanka.

Accidental Aid Worker is RRP$34.95 and available now at Bodhi Books and Gifts – 375 King Street, Newtown, or online at  or phone (02) 9519 8890

24 August 2018 – update: With Dennis Jones and Associates ceasing to trade as of 17 August, 2018, so ended our distribution agreement for the paperback version of Accidental Aid Worker via DJA and e-book via Port Campbell Press.  Please direct all new trade and distribution enquires to Windhorse Books or contact Sue for further details.

Thank you to Jessie Street National Women’s Library for inviting me to speak at Sydney’s historic Customs House Library.

Jessica Stewart very kindly reviewed the author talk: Sue does not shy away from the hard questions. Accidental Aid Worker is the story of how wanting to help a community became life changing. It is also an exploration of the complexities of aid, both moral and logistical. She asks us to think about how aid might impact local economies and can become mired in corruption. Read the author talk review on page 7 of the National Women’s Library newsletter – May 2018

Book review by Jessie Street National Women’s Library.

Read the full review on page 4 of the National Women’s Library newsletter-February 2018

It’s an honour to be invited to give an author talk to a group of women dedicated to preserving the stories of Australian women.

 Accidental Aid Worker is in the collection of the Jessie Street National Women’s Library and today, I’ll be presenting the Lunch Hour Talk for April at Customs House Library in Sydney. 

To accompany this talk, Jessica Stewart and Barbara Henry wrote this review for the newsletter, which truly captures my story and journey into aid work. You can read the review here .



Read the report of the talk on page 7 of the National Women’s Library newsletter – May 2018


I was invited to attend a breakfast event for International Women’s Day, 8 March 2018

It was an inspiring morning, with the keynote delivered by Councillor Christine Forster.

I had no plans to connect with the speakers and had to rush back to work. I made a dash for the lift, and in the lift was Christine and her wife, Virginia.

I felt it only polite to say hello and now they have  a copy of Accidental Aid Worker on their ‘to read’ pile.

What a wonderful way to connect and celebrate International Women’s Day!

It began with introduction to Di Morrissey

A friend introduced me to the phenomenal Di Morrissey a few months ago. I sent her a copy of my book and we have been chatting via email constantly for the last 6 weeks or so about this and that.

Di read my book and then gave it to Chris Gibbons, who wrote the review for the newspaper Di produces, The Manning Community News – April 2018.

The first few paragraphs … OMG. I might faint. It’s amazing and I am so … stoked! This support by Australia’s most prolific and much loved author is staggering.

AAW Review - manning

REVIEW: This autobiography just had to be written.

Review by Chris Gibbons, supported by Di Morrissey – The Manning Community News – April 2018

This amazing woman has lived four lifetimes of an ordinary woman and, in doing so, has made a huge difference to many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of lives… All I can say after reading Sue’s story is, ‘What a woman!’. She shows us how one person can make a difference in this world, and I am in awe that she has been able to accomplish so much. An inspiring book. Read the full review – Manning Community News

What an honour to be featured in Thorpe Bowker’s February 2018 in their newsletter, Australian Self Publisher. It’s a no-holds-barred interview that lays bare some of the challenges, audacious goals and my journey into writing and self-publishing.

You might find it interesting to read what I think makes my story unique, what my biggest successes are and my biggest challenges.  Intrigued? You can read the full interview in Australianselfpublisher.com