I skipped my usual Writing Wednesday post last week because I was eyebrow deep in …. writing! Last week I actually worked on the book and project Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and managed to achieve huge things.

  • I started being introduced to Editors and people who work on that side of business;
  • Set an audacious goal for a launch date for my book – and worked out a full production schedule accordingly;
  • Had discussions with a printer about production; and
  • Finished the drafts of Part 3 – A, B, C and D.

By the end of the week, I was kind of ‘toast’.

SL13042This week – I’m on my writing retreat #2 – and heading up to the Blue Mountains. I’ll be staying at Chateau Jo and sitting on her cats, while she comes to Chateau Le Moet to do the same for me. GOOD DEAL I say!

So, wish me luck this week – as I set out to tackle Parts 4 and 5 and no doubt, will be discovering some great little nooks and cafes along the way.

S x


17. September 2014 · Comments Off on Writing in an allergic haze and considering a trip….. · Categories: AAW author's diary

Yep – I feel a bit “off centre” in allergic haze, in the food court today.

17 September – it’s Writing Wednesday again and it’s windy outside.  I mention this because despite taking an antihistamine at 7am – its now 11am and I’m STILL in an allergic haze! Why is 180mg of Fexofenadine not enough to stop the snot? Is it really a 2 antihistamine day? I’m running out of tissues!!!!

I’ve returned to the food court again at Leichhardt Market Place today for a few reasons. I’m trying to fit my errands in with writing.

  • I have an appointment at 1:30pm to get my hair cut
  • I have stuff to get
  • I’m researching flights to Sri Lanka and Cambodia at the travel agent
  • Parking here is unlimited
  • I’m out of the pollen vortex ( I thought)

Last week – I was on a ROLL – and  that felt really GREAT – and I was able to write for 2-3 additional sessions apart from the designated writing day last week I knocked out 8 CHAPTERS and sent them off for reading. I’m at a really significant section of the book, which requires me to slow down a bit and take more time, so momentum has shifted.

I’ve had a massive few weeks with my client work and have been writing and producing publications for them, so I’m wondering if I’m feeling a little burned out!

My questions to myself today are:

1. Do you feel like writing with a foggy head and runny nose?

2. Should you be making any drastic decisions or book travel when in an allergic haze?

3.What’s for lunch?

Quite frankly, I’m not sure if I’m up to writing today or if I should force myself. Having said that I do need to push on – I have a self imposed deadline! I’m trying to make excuse – I’m just being realistic about how much I should be forcing myself to work today given that I’m not feeling so crash hot.

I’m sure I’ll get my mojo back – as soon as my drugs kick in…..and I go buy another packet of tissues.


S x


11. September 2014 · Comments Off on Writing in Martin Place – worked a treat! · Categories: AAW author's diary

For Writing Wednesday yesterday (10 September) I decided to take myself into Sydney’s CBD and plonk myself at various locations. I didn’t plan where I wanted to go – I just followed my nose. That’s what travellers do.

What I DID know – is that I didn’t want “cafe guilt” (feeling like I needed to feed on coffee or food in order to sit for 2-3 hours at a table).  My goal therefore – was to find some free public spaces to sit and write.

My other plan, was to write until I ran out of battery on my Macbook, or until 4:00pm (which ever came first) because as an incentive to stay out ALL DAY and focus on writing, I booked myself a massage in the city at 4:30pm.

Random Sydney CBD location no.1 - Westfileds

Random Sydney CBD writing location no.1

I started my day at 9:00am by catching a bus and was seated by 9:30am in random location No.1. To make it playful, I posted a pic like this of my location on facebook and asked my friends to guess where I was.

I have to admit.. it took me til 10:00 am to get started with the writing as I was having conversations with my cousins (x2) and arranging meetings for next week…. and playing on facebook. Once I got through those distractions though, I wrote for 2 hours straight – without breathing. I completed editing part 1-B of my book.

Location no.1 was fabulous. A quiet, scenic corner of Westfield foodcourt at a time when there are not that many people there. The restaurants are just prepping, so they don’t care. I did eventually grab some lunchtime sustenance before leaving. I didn’t event start with a coffee – how insane! (battery at 46%)

To find the next location, I just walked randomly through the city, thinking about public spaces. I got as far as random location no.2 and decided – sitting in the great outdoors for a few hours would be just what I wanted.

Donde esta Sue B-Doobie en escriba Mercoles?

Donde esta Sue B-Doobie en escriba Mercoles?

I posted this photo and cryptic message on facebook (in a mix of broken Spanish and French for laughs) and set a goal for myself – to complete the edit of C,D and E – which would finish off PART 1.

So I sat there, in Martin Place at a table outside Lindt Cafe from 1:00 – 3:30pm, only breaking to grab a revoltingly sweet dark hot chocolate. I FINISHED the preliminary edit of those chapters – they have now been sent off for reading!! (battery, 23%)

I absolutely LOVED working in Martin Place! And I’m going to come back to the CBD in future to hunt for more writing spots like this! I’m finding this a BRILLIANT way to work! Standby for more mystery locations!

So, I will be starting Part 2 editing of drafts – only 25 chapters to go! Will I make my deadline of end of October?????

S x

PS: If you’d like to keep up to date with  my blog – please subscribe to it. I will still post these links on facebook, linkedIn and twitter. Thanks for reading!

Getting to the essence of the story of Accidental aid worker - it's ALL about Sri Lanka.

Getting to the essence of the story of Accidental aid worker – it’s ALL about Sri Lanka.

Well my first writing retreat, I consider was a success and I can’t wait to do it again.

Getting away from the every day and into a different environment allowed me to really focus on not only the process of writing, but the bigger picture of the structure and the story that I have to tell.

My problem is ( well, one of them) is that I have had a very quirky ( interesting) time in my life, stuff happens all the time and I have too much to tell. There are so many stories realistically to loop, curve and weave – it’s actually 3-4 books – NOT just this one.

That was my epiphany on day 3 of 4, when I found  myself overwhelmed by the enormous task I had set myself, and my ability to focus on writing stymied.

The scope of the story had blown out and the story outline I had written – covering almost everything in my life for the past 10 years, not all of it related to Accidental aid worker and my time in Sri Lanka. So I’m clear now about moving forward, and I AM!

So, to summarise the benefits of getting away this week included:

1.Gaining clarity on the story I want to tell in THIS book. Now that I have that – I’m approaching the writing in a more focused way.

2.Driving, exploring and discovering GREAT coffee shops and nooks for breakfast and writing for 2-3 hour blocks on the NSW Central Coast. (my tips are below)

3. Finding a writing MENTOR! By a stroke of serendipity, I reconnected with someone (who happens to live up on the CC). We met, and after a long conversation, she help set me back on track  and she is the perfect person to support me in this writing process.

4. Planning and booking the next retreat at the end of September in the Blue Mountains.

My tips for cafes on the Central Coast:


Right – I have a busy week ahead with my “mum” Geraldine Cox in town and me playing taxi (I  mean “daughter”) …………… and work of course.

Til next time…..

Sue x


Working copy of the book

Working copy of the book

The night was dark and stormy……………… ok, that one has been used a million times. This week – it has been torrential and for me, a great week to hunker down, stay indoors and work on the online side of my business with some much needed updates to my business and community website (Zulu Communications).

And it’s Writing Wednesday again – how quickly that has come around.

I am happy to report that last week’s adventure to Ikea was a good idea, but not as “productive” with the writing of the book as I had hoped. I did get a lot out of the experience though and will definitely do it again.  It was an important time to sit with those heavy feelings and reflect on how delving into my mind and soul is going to affect me. It served as a warning for the week to come.

Actually, I AM writing. A lot! I’m writing blog posts here and also a lot for Zulu, so the art is being practiced. Progress on this project is at a different pace. I have to accept that.

Today – Writing Wednesday, I am planning and structuring what to focus on during my 4ish days away on my writing retreat next week. So this week’s task is to make sure I have what I need (physically) and have my mind and spirit clear, calm and focused to make sure I make the most of the dedicated 4 day block ahead.

On my list of preparation:

  • Select parts of my book to work on that I know will not send me into a depressive funk;
  • Focus on completing certain sections that I know are just bullet points and need to be written;
  • Eat healthy food and try and leave the “shack” at least 2 x each day;
  • Avoid connecting to wifi…………. probably the biggest challenge.

Wish me some sunshine and inspiration for the writing retreat !

Sue x


Whilst I was in the shower just a moment ago (7:50am) I decided that my writing place this Writing Wednesday shall be Ikea.

ikeaSo, while I’m waiting for my laptop to recharge, and for the store to actually open, I thought I would write a pre-Writing Wednesday post, about why I THINK Ikea may be the perfect place for me today.

Just 24hrs ago I was working here at my desk, trying to focus on actual paid work issues to take my mind off what I have been calling my ‘Cancerian-midcycle-supermoon-isolated-insecure-paranoid’ wobble. It wasn’t until after midday that I logged onto facebook and saw the tragic news that Robin Williams had taken his own life. And, the words DEPRESSION plastered all over my wall.

Coincidentally, I’m currently studying and supporting that depression, PTSD topic and space for work. I am also considering how express my own experiences about it – and keep myself OK ( if you know what I mean).

I touched on that last week, the need to keep myself safe while delving and writing my story. I am single and self employed….. I can’t really afford to take myself off the grid for a long time again. Realistically, I don’t have an adequately robust support network IF I start to not deal well.

This is reality. I have to self monitor and self care.

VALE Robin Williams. There is a very small fence between madness and creative genius. To give and expend of your energy can, and sometimes does lead to places that are dark and seemingly fathomless. Thank you for your gifts.

VALE Robin Williams. There is a very small fence between madness and creative genius. To give and expend of your energy can, and sometimes does lead to places that are dark and seemingly fathomless. Thank you for your gifts. – Sue Liu

So this morning, after observing and reflecting on the tragic loss of one of our most inspired, creative artists, I see that Robin’s act of taking his own life in the midst of seeking help with is condition, is raising awareness of the fact that 1 in 3 of us – go through this. Understandably, this is a very frightening thing for those who feel that people with depression who talk about it are CRAZY, wonder how close to home these symptoms are and don’t know how to (or do not want to) GO there with themselves or to support others.

It’s a difficult space. This topic makes people uneasy, nervous and the resulting alienation can kind of make it WORSE for you as people cut themselves off from you.

My three biggest supporters, are friends who by suffering it, and taking different paths to cope through it, can relate with compassion and patience and without shame or fear.

Many, many, most others, are busy, over it, and just can not. It does leave you in a lonely place. This is my topic for writing today – which leads me to the point of choosing Ikea.

TODAY – on this particular Writing Wednesday – I need to not be isolated and on my own. I need to be among a buzz and vibe. THAT is what is going to keep me safe today.

WHY IKEA is the best place for me today:

  • Free parking – for as long as I want and need;
  • A chair and table by the window over looking the car park – OR a number of comfy living room and office scenarios ALL very stylishly fitted out! I might bounce around the ENTIRE store in 1/2 hr increments today!;
  • Shopping breaks to look for pretty things (that I really don’t need);
  • Coffee (actually a bit crap), food and HORSEBALLS with mash, gravy and lingonberry sauce (the real reason for going…actually);
  • A place to meet a friend for a well timed distraction (come on Alina!);
  • People – who don’t need, want me or care WHAT I’m doing….. but are just there.

 PS: Dear Ikea, Please don’t send someone to hunt me down and kick me out – I’m writing a book. I will have lunch and I’ll probably buy some stuff. Besides, the sign says WELCOME!

Sue x


Wednesday 6 August

Today is designated writing Wednesday day and it’s the second one I’ve actually achieved in the last 4 weeks (yay).

I thought today that I would start typing some of the entries from the last few years from numerous journals that I have kept, to  touch base with who I have been over the last  3 years. It’s a journey back into some very dark times – my journey through burn out and depression.

Stumbling down memory lane

I have to say – it’s interesting to read those intimate thoughts through my most anxious times. Honestly – its full of things that I don’t know if it’s safe or relevant to bare to all. HOWEVER – it’s giving me an insight into my former self – the former self who was (and still is) dealing with grief, guilt, fear and trauma.

My challenge is – to reflect on that time and not allow myself to get sucked back into a depressive vortex, and know – that I HAVE changed – and that person isn’t me today. And, this is the challenge largely for this book and any writing that I do that is going to explore aspects of my very complex (and adventurous) life. How do I keep myself safe in the process?

Is this of interest or relevance to you or potential readers? Well it will come into play in this memoir, and also lead on to other books I have planned.

My story is a BIG ONE and I feel very passionately about talking about issues like burnout, midlife crisis and transformation, loss, grief, depression and isolation.

This is me – introducing you to that dimension of my story.

intense painting (640x480)

AND – I do this intense writing thing right now at my desk, with a Korean man painting my balcony…… you have to laugh!

Sue x




Just putting it out there – I’m looking for an Editor.

I need the help of someone to help me craft and weave this first book  and do the stories and the people in them justice. I say FIRST book – because I have ideas and inspiration for about 3 more titles if I do well with this first one.

I’m thinking big people! Dreaming large! I know I’m capable of achieving it, I just need to find the right person or people to work with me on the crafting and fine tuning.

If you know someone who is a master story teller themselves, and may be interested in assisting me on this writing journey – please contact me

Sunday 3 August

I’ve kicked my cat off MY chair and am sitting in my courtyard on this unusually warm winter Sunday afternoon.  I’ve got my newish MacBook fully charged and my feet are chocked up on two overturned recycle bins, I’m ready to write this long and overdue update for Accidental aid worker blog.

Last you heard on this blog – I was gung-ho into the writing.

I tell you – it hasn’t happened. I’m sorry.

Things (life) got in the way. You know, the need to seek work, actually conduct work, earn money etc. Please don’t see this as a form of procrastination or elaborate excuse making.  It’s just that those overwhelming needs – to pay one’s mortgage and strata fees, keep the cat tin topped up with biscuits, eat and so on, have overridden the crippling stress of publicly declared self imposed deadlines.

Since returning from the reunion trip to Sri Lanka in July last year (see photos in the gallery), I came home with all sorts of grand ideas of further projects to help my friend Bruno IN Sri Lanka. All GREAT ideas  – but the problem was in part, that I don’t have the capacity to deliver any of those, at present, on my own (will detail more in the book).

It took me a while to come to terms with that.  At the same time I was busy running community building events at Our Big Kitchen and running my Christmas campaign for Candles for Community and trying to reestablish myself with work.

I spent the first month of 2014 with no voice due to flu – and I slowly regained my health in time to start working again as a consultant – which required all of my energy and focus.

At the end of June – I travelled back to Cambodia to spend time with my beloved Geraldine Cox and Sunrise Kids – and it’s here that I more or less renewed my vows to writing my memoir.

Actually, it was just before leaving on this trip that I started to feel really BAD about not having made any progress on this book. Ashamed, guilty…… embarrassed!

If I don’t prioritise and make some sacrifices along the way, I will not be ready to either pitch to a publisher or publish under my own steam.

Deal DONE (with self).


The deal I have struck with myself, is to have a first draft ready by some time in October. In order to achieve this I have:

  • justified the purchase of a swanky new MacBook Air, as a necessary tool for travel and writing;
  • started to speak more widely to everybody – including people in the publishing world;
  • scaled back significantly on my professional work – to allow time to focus on not only the process of writing my story, but also all the other elements that go into self publishing;
  • scheduled in writing days;
  • planned two 4 day writing retreats – away from the distractions of my home and wifi;
  • made a promise to Geraldine that I will have a first draft for her to review, so that she can write my foreword.

Since I returned home from Cambodia in mid-July with this renewed focus – I have to say I’ve been preparing, and preparing and busy. I had birthday celebrations, tradesmen to manage and paint fumes inside, outside and throughout home, client work to do… all very legitimate and huge things that = valid excuses and distractions.

Writing spaceI did do some writing in Cambodia – here is where I set up my  new MacBook – over looking the fields at Geraldine’s house at Sunrise. It didn’t last long as a writing sanctuary – because of the 160 or so kids popping in and out of my zone and the need to trouble shoot for Geraldine.

Distractions – but worthy ones.

I’m not really dodging the writing, I just simply haven’t had the space in my mind, and the fatigue with working around all of these big tasks – means that I only achieved my writing schedule 1 week out of the last 3.

AND SO – I have now achieved the work scale back – which quite honestly will make things tight money wise and I’ll be spending the next few months very skinny on the social and spending side of things.

I have also just booked an economical cabin at a caravan park in Ettalong for a few days at the end of August for writing retreat #1.

So wish me luck everyone as I hunker down and give it a SERIOUS go these next few months.

Sue x

At the Wanderlust UK’s ceremony in London in 2012, Bruno received his greatest recognition as Tour guide of the year.

Bruno – Bronze award winner 2010


First – the finalist’ stories 2011

And, winning in 2011 – A PROUD MOMENT for all. Unforgetable!

A view to take your breath away – and to admire those fertile gardens!


9 August 2013

Sri Lanka story Part 1:Trincomalee

Just letting the dust settle on my very fast journey to Sri Lanka after a 7 year absence. I returned home 3 weeks ago with a mind swimming full of possiblities for how the future may look for me and my Sri Lankan friends.

As mentioned in the previous post about Cambodia, much of my trip to Sri Lanka forms chapters of my book.Some I have written, many factors I am still mulling over and not sure how to tell my story.

Afterall, the book starts with Sri Lanka in 2004 and my challenge is to craft and weave that story through to today. And it’s not an easy story to tell to be quite honest. The journey of writing down these stories is far harder than I expected.

Reuniting with Bruno and Fr Jeevanadas

Well it was truly a lovely few days in Trincomalee, full of heart, laughter and sharing. The three of us have certainly moved on in our lives since 2006 and it was with great respect that Fr Jeevanadas, Bruno and I shared our stories, our personal journeys that have led us to different places in our lives.

Trincomalee and the people of that town, and the Tsunami is what brought us together for that time in 2005-2006. Returning to Trinco, we are all visitors and those we worked with those years ago have moved on.

Usually behind the scenes – I’m a thrust into the limelight a little more than I am comfortable with. My hope of sneaking into town and having a few discreet meetings is not the way it’s going to pan out. We announced like royalty and greeted like family. We are special guests here, honoured guest there and extraordinary lunches are served, with tea, sweet drinks and iceream treats. This is the overwhelming kindness and generosity of Sri Lankan culture and community.

And, as serendipity would have it – we’ve timed our visit just perfectly and there are some special events and celebrations that mean that Fr Jeevanadas is also re-connecting with the commmunities he served for many years. The school’s leaving do is on and the boys who are graduating from highschool, Fr J has seen right through from the Kindergarten. The girls school where we helped the girls in the ophanage is having it’s grand exhibition day so we are lucky to see all the hardwork, creativity, heart and humour that went into their puppet shows, plays, dioramas, dress-ups and performances.

I am also taken to the tsunami settlements where people are happy to talk about their experiences during and after the tsunami. Hearing their personal stories and finding out about how desperate their lives are today is truly heartbreaking. And it shines a light on some of the reasons why Sri Lankans are taking the risk of getting on boats and leaving for Australia – from Trincomalee.

There’s more to this story than I expected.

A hearty, warm thank you to Fr Jeevanadas Fernando for coming back to Trincomalee and introducing me back into town. Another heart-felt thank you to the Sisters and Fathers who embraced (yet again) this strange girl with the unpronouncable name for a reason they didn’t really understand.

PS: Zue Lio it isn’t – yet that’s ok. You pronouce it “Sooosoooosooo” – same way you do when you are trying to hurry the chickens on. (hurry,hurry).


9 August 2013

I can’t believe I’ve been back for 3 weeks already. I owe AAW an update on my amazing trips to visit my communities in Cambodia and Sri Lanka.

Part of my challenge is – that much of this trip forms chapters of my book. So, whilst giving you a taster I hope you’ll forgive me if I save much of the good bits for the “main event” – the publication of Accidental aid worker. Here’s my offering to you about my trip to Cambodia with Sunrise.

CAMBODIA- coming home

This trip back to Sunrise and Cambodia is my 5th in 7 years. It is an honour to be invited back and for me it truly is like coming home. Particularly when Geraldine is home, and we are able to spend some quality time together. Geraldine is not only a dear friend, she is a mentor, gal pal, mother figure and “mother of my children”. We do mix business with pleasure – and how can you not.

It’s Saturday afternoon and I arrived to my Cambodian home, doors flung open wide, as wides as those embracing arms of welcome. Children all around – most familiar to me but bigger than last time – and many new little kids to hug, kiss and tickle.

The table is set for two for a lamb roast by Geraldine. She’s cooking for me because she knows that I’m a single woman with no mother to cook me a roast.  I could barely hold back my tears. Such welcome and care that is sorely missing in my life back at home. And there’s plenty of cooking, caring and sharing over the days as I find comfort in “sisterhood” and understanding by spending time with Geraldine and long-time supporter Tracey. We are like-souled creatures, we know it and see that we bond over our common love for these (many, many) children.

On the first day – I did a MASS cooking activity with about 15 kids in shifts in Geraldine’s kitchen. We made over 150 honey joys which involved 4 large packets of cornflakes, 1kg of butter, honey and sugar. It’s the first time the kids had an opportunity to do anything like this, and I only had to show them once and they were off and running cooking  4 batches! They were a hit! And the kids know that if they want to make them again – they just have to ask Geraldine to go get cornflakes – the BIG BOXES.

The main purpose of visiting during this time was to accompany the 3 Sunrise’s staff and children, coming together for the very first time on an annual trip to the beach at Sihanoukville. There are over 300 of us. You’d expect chaos and mayhem. That was so far from reality.

Amazing organisation, incredibly well behaved children – small to big and excitement to boot, building sand-watts,  banana boating, ducking and diving in the waves, piggy backs for the small and disabled – all under the watchful eyes of staff decked out as lifeguards with whistles – keeping watch over everyone as they swam between “the flags”. The Flags by the way – an Australian flag at one end, Cambodia’s flag at the other.

And resplendent in her signature bright orange cossie, Geraldine was able to do what we all would like to do at the beach – recline, read a book, eat some snacks and watch her brood play and have happy “free time” for these two precious days of the year. It IS a lot of work for the staff ie: it aint no restful holiday.

What I saw, was a BIG family day out Cambodian style. Smiling, relaxed and happy faces in sea and on shore enjoying different food, sights, smells, playing in the sand, getting photos taken, buying trinkets, dancing and playtime –  just as much as the kids. The bonds between children and staff were made and strengthened and everyone had a great time!

Back at Sunrise 1 on the Sunday, there’s music lessons, dance rehearsals, art classes, tennis tuition, swimming lessons, laundry to be done, sweeping and cleaning, rubbish to be collected and homework. Geraldine is busy with last minute packing for an upcoming trip in between trouble shooting issues with misbehaving teenagers, accidents and mishaps, welcoming visitors, supervising electricians and plumbers, mentoring and advising her young adults from outreach house and making decisions about this, that and everything.

It’s busy, and chaotic – “You will have 120 children living under your roof” I said to her at one point. And we just smiled at eachother because, she wouldn’t have it any other way, and I’m so proud be part of THIS family.

26 June 2013

I am leaving in 2 days for what is a business trip shrouded in a holiday atmosphere. Firstly I’m going to Cambodia to spend some time with “my kids” at Sunrise Children’s Villages and deliver 30kgs of collected cosmetic items to the kids and staff. I’ll be with abouuuuuut 260 excited kids and adults on their annual trip to the beach!  I have also to deliver on a promised to bake with the kids at Phonm Penh – and THAT is going to involve 32 cups of cornflakes and 1KG of butter……………

Following that sojourn – I’ll be heading to Sri Lanka for the first time in 6 years to meet up with my friend Bruno – who has organised all the travel and accommodation for my 8 day visit. I have NO idea about the details,  which does make an organised control-freak like me slightly nervous. MY lesson here – is yet again – TRUST and letting go of control (a recurring theme in my book).

We will be travelling about 7 hours by road – across the country to reunite with our priest friend Fr Jeevanadas in the town of Trincomalee. I have been told by Fr J that we have dinners here and meetings there ….. judging from past experience, it’s going to be huge and very hilarous!

As I’ve been drawing nearer to this trip, people have been cagey about asking me how I’m going with the book. My standard response is “AUUUURGHHHHH”

Alright. It has been a few months now since my BIG public annoucement about becoming a book writer and WHAT exactly have I been doing about achieving it? Well for a start – you KNOW I had that arm thing ( read back a few posts for the gory details) AND also, I have been kind of busy………. too busy to write…. unfortunately.

Having said that – I think for a few days I DID have a bit of a RUSH of inspiration and VOOOM – pulled together  a substantial slab of information. As a result – I DO have 27,000 words on page! Whether they are GOOD quality words and not words to confuse and befuddle is a different story.

The business side of publishing has also been an important aspect of my research these last few months. I’ve attended workshops on crowdfunding, digital and online publishing, the process and business of writing and have joined a memoir writer’s  Meetup group in Sydney. What I’ve been learning is that the publishing  and distribution side of things is of course, mighty important. Perhaps, just as important as the act of writing the book .

Each time I talk about this project with others on a similar journey, and we talk about our experiences with the process and craft I do feel more and more connected to them, and reinspired to tell this story of mine. So I thank everyone for their excitement and now the task is – to write it and go about the process of bringing it to life by producing it (no small thing).

SO today  – in order to prepare myself for flight time  – uninterupted writing time on the way to Cambodia and Sri Lanka – I printed it out, HERE – I DO Have the bones of a book – FOR REAL!!

I am also please to say that my friend Alina Bendeli designed my cover for me, and I have this blog up and going – so I really am further on the way to acheiving my goal than I thought!

One of the best ways to keep in touch with this evolving project is to LIKE my Facebook page . I mean, you don’t have to – but that particular source will be updated more frequently. By all means, please do continue to stop by this blog for updates too.

THanks again for the encouragement and excitement, and I’ll see you on the other side of my trips to Cambodia and Sri Lanka!

Sue x


This village scene represents the heart and soul of a community. Industrious, busy, colourful and communal.

Villagepainting-hojaI bought this original oil painting in 1999 in the town of Zanzibar in Tanzania. It’s in the “Tinga tinga” style which is special to this part of Tanzania. The artist’s signature is Hoja. I have searched the internet for Hoja and this style of art to no avail!

The painting has been framed and graced the walls of Zulu’s office and has been a backdrop for Zulu’s Community for some years now.  It now takes pride of place in my home and brings my heart joy and cheer every time I see it. I never tire of looking into the faces and watching the busyness, colour and cameraderie of the village.

People ARE truly happy in the village. I have experienced this time and time again and often think that balance and equilibrium is achieved in this version of community.

It only seems appropriate to use this for the Accidental aid worker project.

I credit Hoja for its inspiration and creation.

Thursday 4 April


Although I dodged the chocolate overwhelm bullet over Easter, I got caught by another one…. the fridge of procrastination. No one told me how real the fridge of procrastination is – or how powerful a magnet it is has become to avoiding  the task of telling a story. I excuse myself and rationalise the constant grazing by the following:

  • My metabolism has sped up – this is the way I eat now
  • I’m having soup for dinner – that’s it
  • It’s all healthy food – just lots of it
  • You are hungry or you wouldn’t feel like eating – so it’s ok

Look – I’m adapting to a new routine and headspace  and I guess my challenge is to be in control of that a little more. OtherwiseI’ll be gaining kgs and having to increase my boot camp training from 3 to 5 a week.


The writing of a book is a business venture just as much as it is a creative one.  I worked over Easter in between visits to the fridge  to  have a  my business plan, brand and concept ready to present to a trio of trusted fellow businesswomen, who were rewarded with baked goods made by my very own hand (thanks Lynda, Kate and Catherine for giving me your Easter Monday morning). Today I address the issue of finances and funding with my accountant. I’m putting as much – if not MORE time at the moment into the planning stages of this project than that actual writing. At the end of the day there’s no use having a great story on page – if you can’t afford to produce it or take it to market and sell copies.

This is really a DREAM of mine – and it is exciting that I’m trying to make it real. There is a LOT  of wobbling that goes on and like anything in life I guess, there are really no guarantees of either success or failure – you just have to put your head down, silence the fears and get on with it.


Oh yes it is! It’s a short, miserable and rainy week! Perfect writing weather… with scones and tea and soup.  However – the best laid plans…………

I was all set to give yesterday a good go with writing. I wanted to get 2-3 stories from the diary down on page. Then, there was a spontaneous first meeting/chat with another one of those awesome people who have JUST achieved publication ( thanks for your wisdom Johanna) and then a quick  medical appointment – and then I’d be back at it.



2013-04-03 20.17.02I made an appointment with a Skin Cancer surgeon nearby to look at a very large lipoma ( fatty lump) that had been growing in my arm for years. So many years I can’t even remember – but it’s at least 9 years from when I  noticed it.  The lump was the size of a golf ball.

It’s a great “gross out” party trick for people who say  “WHAT is that on your arm?” I’m always making people touch it… ( shudder). I’m going to have to find a new trick……….anyway……….

This doctor had been referred for his neat and tidy work. He took a look, had a quick prod and said  “yep, lipoma – will need to cut it out.”

I had expected this. I have a few uncles who are doctors who explained it’s just a slice and pop-out situation – nothing major.

I said  “ok – where do you do that?”  He pointed to the other room.

I said “ when can you do it then?”  and  he said “ I can do it now if you like – I just have to see one patient – then I can do it.”

I said “ eeeeeeeer.. OK, no time like now – let’s do it.”

Well, we could have made a time for another day – but I didn’t see the point in waiting. My mind though wasn’t prepared – which is probably a good thing. I certainly knew that it wasn’t going to be a simple cut and pop out. This thing –this lump had been growing  in my arm for MANY years. The doctor said it was likely that there were lots of little babies around the main lump.

I told him I was a complete chicken when it comes to stuff like this – and he prepped for the procedure (but didn’t gown up or anything). I was freaking out – I don’t like needles, and when cutting occurs, I’d prefer to be “out to it”. However, this was an in-rooms procedure with anesthetic.

I have reason to be needle-phobic and wary:

  • When I was 10, I had to have 8 teeth removed in preparation for braces. They did 2 extractions each week – for 4 weeks. Arruughhhh.
  • My father was an acupuncturist – and when he occasionally “needled” me – it would hurt like hell, they would get stuck  and need to be wrenched out or make me bleed ( hmmm, this is not normal.)
  • I watched my mother have chemo for a few years, until her veins collapsed – so that whole treatment just terrifies me.
  • 10 years ago I had laser eye surgery -which is done while you’re awake. I doesn’t hurt but is so freakin’ freaky. The lesson there was – take ALL the Valium they give you – not just half!
  • I’ve had numerous needle biopsy procedures on my breasts including a very painful fibroidadenoma, which was  eventually cut out of me under general. Biopsies are not gentle. They basically stab you repeatedly with a longish needle. It certainly is not gentle.  This lipoma on my arm also had the jab.

 I am a chicken – and I tell them that up front.

He cut it open and the nurse said “OH MY – that IS impressive!” The nurse had stopped talking to me and was just watching the surgery.
I said ” Hey – you need to talk to me. You need to distract me – please talk to me!” But she was in a kind of trance.

He started to snip, snip, snip – and snip, snip, snip – and it seemed like forever! He was telling me there were a lot of little babies on the top – which he removed first. When he got to the main one –  he had to dig – down, down, down.

“ How far along are you”? I asked.

“ Almost 50%” he said. “ it’s really deep these roots – I didn’t expect it to be this deep!”

I was starting to freak out a bit  – I could feel that he was going really deep.

“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT – we’ve been going for 15 minutes already! This was no cut and pop-out situation. This is full-on! This is major surgery. Is this brave or stupid, BRAVE OR STUPID?”

I was lying half off the bed by now and my legs were going up and down – like I was trying to air-cycle my way off the bed and out of there. Only problem was – he had my arm open and was still snip, snip, snipping.

“When are you going to stop – when you hit bone??”  I actually asked if he could stop and if he had to get all of it/ them out.  He said he had to get it all and he was working on the “big tumor”.

Because he was so deep in my arm – the aesthetic wasn’t really working  down in the deep parts. So I could hear it, feel it and occasionally it hurt – and I was freaking out with the occasional yelp. He wanted me to look at it so he could show me why he had to go so deep and there was NO WAY I was doing that. When the big one finally came out – he showed it to me before putting it with the babies to be  sent off to Pathology.

Here’s a pic for you sickos –  don’t look at it if you are grossed out easily ( it is fascinating though) . When you consider it is coming out of my forearm – it’s SOOO MUCH!

It took 45 minutes.

I should have a 2 1/2cm scar and my arm may be concave for a while. I have the sound and sensation of digging and snipping in my head..
I chose this guy for his reputation for being neat and tidy…… I hope so.

I have drugs and will be taking it easy for the next few – and will try to get those sounds out of my head…….and I’m expecting EPIC BRUISING!


  • I had left this problem way too long because I was quite frankly, scared shitless. If I had have had it out years ago – it would have been a cut and pop out situation. Leaving it – I made it much worse. I take the lesson of “nipping it in the bud”.
  • Seizing the moment. Brave or stupid? Well, I had only 10 minutes of freak-out time rather than days to think about it and to change my mind. I wasn’t prepared though, on many other levels yet was able to cope with all of that after.
  • My family all love gore and gruesome detail….. so it’s genetic then.

I should be resting my arm – but I’m typing/ writing – maybe not my book – a different story – but I’m still writing and it counts.

26 March 2013

It’s the morning after the night before – the night that I ‘outed’ myself and showed my “True Character”. The night that I made this venture real and told LOTS of people on facebook and email for LIKES and VOTES. ( If you’re not on facebook – you can vote via here –http://jacobscreek.com/true-character-series) and search for Sue L. I’ve made it to 14th most popular entry overnight – thanks for voting!

Damn the ‘m

So exactly  how much sleep did I lose over that typo – that damn ” ‘m” that was coupled with my “I” and missed my edit? Embarrased? UH-HUH!

But I rationalise that if peeps can’t see through a typo, then they aren’t seeing my “True Character”. Still, that was really BAD, that typo. I need to calm my brain down to be more in synch with my fingers. I need to be  more careful before hitting the ‘publish’ or “submit’  button and also start the process of finding the right person to hold my keyboard and EDIT (with) me.

So how much sleep did I lose or get?

After an intense and sweaty 6:30pm bootcamp session, an hour of emergency trouble shooting fixes for this very blog on my website with my friend Sean in Tokyo ( Thanks Sean) and an hour on the phone with a fellow writer ( that was great Trish, thanks!)  I try to rest my weary  buzzing brain and body. Factor in the humid night, a buzzing invisible mosquito, my feline sauntering in after waking the neighbourhood with a 1am catfight and the anticipation of a 5:50am alarm for morning bootcamp – I got about 2 hours.

I do my killer back-to-back 6:15am bootcamp session and on the walk back home,  see John my Accountant in the car park as he finishes his (macho) training session. We seem to have had more business meetings and discussions in the car park  on a Tuesday morning, drenched in sweat over the last year. That’s SO “inner-west” …… and thanks for VOTING John!

And I’m conscious that I need to start the actual writing process today.

I feel like I’m being pushed along by a tide of serendipity and circumstance. I have great conversations with others further along the path to print than I, and some that have already achieved the GREATNESS of completion and are PUBLISHED.

I’ve consolidated the material I have already inputted,  before I commence for REAL. I have over  10,000 words over roughtly 88/ 210 x 135mm pages of words. I’m probably going to lose a portion of that to editing.

Still – it’s a good start and I can’t procrastinate much longer.I’ll make a start after I make a few calls and grab a coffee……….

I’ve just nominated myself in the Jacob’s Creek True Character series competition – where you have to explain why you’ve stayed true to your character for a chance to win $10,000

I didn’t mean to make this big announcement so soon, yet now I’ve unintentionally revealed what it has been like the past year of my life, an indication about the future and an ANNOUNCEMENT of my next exciting / challenging venture. I wasn’t quite ready to announce it – but seeing that’s it’s OUT THERE – and I can’t take it back…… It was all linked up to Facebook…. and I have a silly little typo right at the front end which is going to be a lesson to me to be EXTRA careful!

If I won this – the prize of $10,000 would go a LONG WAY toward writing and publishing my book and continuing to support communities, particularly in SRI LANKA. Those of you who have been in my life prior to 2006 – would know more about this chapter in my life where I did voluntary aid work after the Tsunami . If you have met me since then ….well I have a story to tell……………

JACOBS CREEK TRUE CHARACTER- SUE LIU – (click here to read and vote)

I hope this is a WORTHY read – please take the time and VOTE and SHARE! The lack of paragraph breaks in the entry makes it a bit of a slog…so here it is below.

I’m staying true to my character, by focusing on my passion for helping people whilst trying to continue to run a business and support underprivileged communities!

I’m single, self employed, with a Sydney-sized mortgage, a cat and at that classic “midlife crisis” stage. I have invested over 20 years in building a career, 12 of those years running my own business and travelling as often as possible.

Since 2004, I have also been a self funded volunteer community fundraiser and aid worker.

Because I’m self employed – I needed to work doubly hard to sustain myself in my life and business and keep up my self imposed high expectations about helping people.

But in March last year – it all got too much and I hit serious BURNOUT. My mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health took a tumble. I had to take a 12 month “time-out” from corporate work to recover from this seriously debilitating state and redefine all aspects of my life.

I still did some serious fundraising in this time as I tried to explore, deliberate and search for where I should “fit, sit, stand and walk” in the world – and how I can make a better contribution in work and life – with balance. Should I shut down the business, get a job, go overseas, volunteer………… stay self employed? Returning to my “true character” helped me gain that clarity!

Being more aligned to my values and the truth about how I want to contribute to the world was the key. My future is to remain in business, to continue to be creative, use my skills and experience to support people and communities and to inspire MORE connection, participation, innovation and giving actions.


I am currently writing and self publishing a book about my solo, voluntary aid work in Sri Lanka after the 2004 Tsunami. I worked for 2 years physically and fundraised, galvanising my community – to support refugees and poor people in Sri Lanka. Based on my experience of also supporting communities in Cambodia, PNG, Congo and Africa, I hope to provide insight into how to run a social business and campaigns for people like me who want to use their “powers for good”.

In 2007, I mentored a modest Sri Lankan man and helped him start a business to achieve his dream of providing social work to poor people in his community. TODAY – self funded – he provides computer training and education support to 20 poor Sri Lankans out of his salary as a tour guide. He is just about to formalise his social venture and it will carry both of our names – Bruno Sue Liu Social Venture.


I will return to Sri Lanka in July. The purpose of the trip is to:

1. Reconnect with communities and people I was helping back in 2005-6 after the Tsunami and research for the book.

2. Provide further assistance to Bruno to help structure, formalise and professionalise his social venture – to enable him to work with organistions outside of Sri Lanka and become “fundable” (instead of self fundable).

3. Find a printer in Sri Lanka – so that I can provide a quantity of books that can be sold in Sri Lanka. 100% of the profits from sales in country would go to fund the Bruno Sue Liu Social Venture – providing computer training and education support to poor people.

Staying true to my character and passions will help me get over that “mid-life” hump and follow  a path to being connnected, happy and contributing.

MONDAY 25th March

It has been a busy two weeks.  It was 12 March – that the book idea started to germinate, and by the Thursday, it became  a viable seedling!  By the Friday morning (15 March) this journey become reality and flights were booked to Cambodia and Sri Lanka, and people were told. THAT’s how to make the idea a REALITY – there’s no turning back now.

Ok this is really happening – I AM writing this book and this project is a definite goer. Now that I’ve had the initial rush of inspiration and excitement – I need to get down to the planning side so I can get my thoughts clear about what needs to happen.

This is now my job.

And steadily through the week – every day I’ve put in some hours of research and had at least two significant conversations about self publishing, writing, the editing process and crowd funding each day. I’ve described my plan and my project to a dozen people and discussed my upcoming trip to Sri Lanka. It’s amazing how excited and enthusiastic people are – for me.

My trusted Accountant is the first person I called. My call was transferred and there was no “hello John”. I just started with ” So, you know that every time I start some wild and crazy venture, you’re the first person I speak to.”  There was a moment of hesitation and then. ” Ok, what is it now Sue?”

After a good 20 minutes of retelling my story, John’s enthusiasm for the project was like the traffic light turning green after flashing orange with caution. ” Sue, it’s fantastic, you have to do this. Amazing.”

Getting my wobble on.

It has been a week – and I’ve already had my wobble on a few times.

I’ve visited with friends – particularly long-termers who were with my through that part of my life – and for new people, they’ve received the short version which is STILL about 15 minutes!  Consolidation is my aim for this…

Only a week has passed, I can’t believe it. I feels LONG – how is six months going to feel?

Planning thoughts last week looked something like this:

  • What time frame are you working on for writing, publishing and distribution?
  • How are you going to afford this project when you’re writing and not working?
  • What is crowd funding, what are the platforms and what are other people’s experiences with this?
  • I need support. I need an advisory board to bounce off. Who can I ask and when do I need to present this to them?
  • What about production? How am I going to get this laid out and what software should I use?
  • Talking to publishers and printes about production.
  • Where and I going to find an editor?
  • What about the marketing and communications side of things? Blogging needs to happen, facebook, social media, local media…..
  • WHO is going to be  interested in this book and how should I make it more appealing and meaningful beyond the story?
  • What style are you going for  here?
  • What about other forms of engagement?
  • Better start with looking at your material and planning your chapters -OH remember that story? – Write that one down!
  • A budget – need one of those….

Believe it or not – I got through about 30% of all of the above. No wonder if feels like more than a week has passed.

Other actions taken included:

  • Applying for TedXSydney – which meant I had to write my story  – May 4 2013, Sydney Opera House
  • Applying for Jacobs Creek True Character – where I’ve now “outed” my project before I was actually ready.
  • Registering for a crowd funding seminar with NSW Writer’s Centre
  • Following up on helpful leads to other individuals who have taken the same writing, self publishing, self funding/crowd funding path.
  • Reading – other people’s memoirs. Yes I’ve still had a bit of brain space for that.

I know. There’s so much to do – but I must not let this detract from the actual writing of the book.